Fluke, or, I know why the winged whale sings
As you like it
Vice versa
Carl Hiaasen Omnibus
Don't stand too close to a naked man
Five comedies of Aristophanes
Monologues comiques et dramatiques
Medieval comic tales
Just Say a Few Words
The knight of the burning pestle
Satire from Aesop to Buchwald / edited by Frederick Kiley and J. M. Shuttleworth.
A midsummer night's dream.
Saynete intitulada La tragedia burlesca del buñuelo
Humorous episodes in the life of a provincial publisher
Wait, skates! and other funny stories.
Peggy and me
To love, honour and betray (till divorce us do part)
Project Funny Bone
The biggest tongue in Tunisia, and other drawings
Les chaises - farce tragique suivi de L'impromptu de l'Alma ou le caméléon du berger
Rule a wife, and have a wife
Las tres comedias de Juan Timoneda
The works of Lucian of Samosata, complete with exceptions specified in the preface, tr. by H. W. Fowler and F.G. Fowler
Can't Remember Sh*t
The memoirs of Mr. Chas. J. Yellowplush
The outhouse reader
Bullshot Crummond
The Pickwick Papers
Complete Rugby Jokes Omnibus
And Another Thing
Clitandre, tragi-comédie
Le médecin malgré lui: Comédie