Books in "Historical Novel"

Preliminary sketch of Santa Barbara, California
Preliminary sketch of Santa Barbara, California
Coup-d'oeil rapide sur l'affaire des Quinze-Vingts
Coup-d'oeil rapide sur l'affaire des Quinze-Vingts
Wholesale price list, spring 1954
Wholesale price list, spring 1954
Fun and games in Colonial America
Fun and games in Colonial America
Hayden building
Hayden building
A cowboy Christmas
A cowboy Christmas
Statistical tables, &c., &c., for the year 1852
Statistical tables, &c., &c., for the year 1852
O programma de Jose  Bonifacio
O programma de Jose Bonifacio
Samurai and the culture of Japan's great peace
Samurai and the culture of Japan's great peace
A history of Bristol Parish
A history of Bristol Parish
The history of France from the earliest times to 1848
The history of France from the earliest times to 1848
Lettres patentes du roy, portant continuation aux ecclesiastiques de rachepter, pendant cinq annes, les biens de leurs benefices qui ont este  cy deuant vendus & aliennez
Lettres patentes du roy, portant continuation aux ecclesiastiques de rachepter, pendant cinq annes, les biens de leurs benefices qui ont este cy deuant vendus & aliennez
Abstracts from the Minutes of the quarterly conference of the Concord Circuit, Salisbury District, North Carolina Annual Conference and Western North Carolina Annual Conference of the M. E. Church, South, for the years 1884-1891, 1902-1918, and 1934-1937
Abstracts from the Minutes of the quarterly conference of the Concord Circuit, Salisbury District, North Carolina Annual Conference and Western North Carolina Annual Conference of the M. E. Church, South, for the years 1884-1891, 1902-1918, and 1934-1937
Percentage of losses at Gettysburg, greatest in history
Percentage of losses at Gettysburg, greatest in history
Undercover bride
Undercover bride
First World War Aerodromes on Scotland
First World War Aerodromes on Scotland
Speech of Hon. A. G. Brown, of Mississippi
Speech of Hon. A. G. Brown, of Mississippi
East Anglian rails in the 1980s
East Anglian rails in the 1980s
Target Tirpitz
Target Tirpitz
[Report 1945]
[Report 1945]
The constitutional development of India, 1937-1947
The constitutional development of India, 1937-1947
Der Dom zu Köln
Der Dom zu Köln
La regina di Golconda
La regina di Golconda
Chinese miscellanies, essays and notes
Chinese miscellanies, essays and notes
Histoire de la France
Histoire de la France
Medical report on health and sanitary conditions, 1925-1928
Medical report on health and sanitary conditions, 1925-1928
The Bloomington observer and McLean County advocate
The Bloomington observer and McLean County advocate
Una storia della Repubblica
Una storia della Repubblica
El dedo de Dios
El dedo de Dios
Arrest dv Conseil d'estat, portant prolongation de l'exposition des especes d'or & d'argent legeres
Arrest dv Conseil d'estat, portant prolongation de l'exposition des especes d'or & d'argent legeres
La mort de Basseville, ou, La conspiration de Pie VI de voile e
La mort de Basseville, ou, La conspiration de Pie VI de voile e
Conquest and crisis
Conquest and crisis
What settlers say of the Canadian North-West
What settlers say of the Canadian North-West
Concise History of Pakistan
Concise History of Pakistan
A Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical from the Emigration of Its First ...
A Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical from the Emigration of Its First ...
A family affair
A family affair
Official naval despatches
Official naval despatches
The Arkansas River (River West, Book 6)
The Arkansas River (River West, Book 6)
Vor mehr als hundert jahren.
Vor mehr als hundert jahren.
Konrads von Würzburg Partonopies und Meliur--
Konrads von Würzburg Partonopies und Meliur--
Imperial cities
Imperial cities