The Perfect Friend
Thicker than water
Heroes of insurgency
The Call to Solve
Something's there
Walk in dread
Het experiment
Du feu sous la cendre
600 MILE STRETCH (EXRANGERS 6) (Ex-Rangers, No 6)
The catspaw
Biological weapons
Millénium 4
Beyond a reasonable doubt
Deadly resurrection
Death in the Dark (H Thriller)
Nochʹ poslednego dni︠a︡
Denn vergeben wird dir nie
The red flowers of death
로스트 심벌: The Lost Symbol
Death is no bargain
Devil in disguise
Lawless guns
White Death
Fortunes Deadly Descent
Red alert
La exclusiva
Phase three alert
Rote Messe
Beneath the Surface
La Gran Traicion
Terreur dans les tours
Hoax Hunters
The laugh of death ; and, The king of terror
Damage done
Spy Lover A Novel
The art of political murder
Diabelski szczyt
Blood of patriots
Lockruf der Gefahr
No safe haven
The Secret Agent (Linford Mystery Library)