The interoceanic problem and its scientific solution
High-power multibeam lasers and their phase locking
Refractory materials as a field for research
Histoire naturelle des végétaux: Phanérogames.
Laser radar techniques for atmospheric sensing
The Nature of gunshot wounds of the abdomen
Mechanisms of drug interactions
Frontiers in surface and interface science
The black stem rust and the barberry
Dissertatio medica inauguralis de typhi indiciis
Solaris System Administrator's Guide
Prairie chickens on the Sheyenne National Grasslands
Determination of the vitamin B-6 requirement of pregnant women
The mathematics of projectiles in sport
Physical geography for certificate students.
Fruit and vegetable losses in market and kitchen caused by plant diseases
A comparison of Rowland's thermometers with the Paris standard
Description of V̲i̲c̲t̲o̲r̲i̲a̲ r̲e̲g̲i̲a̲, or, Great water-lily of South America (with four plates)
The influence of the blue ray of the sunlight and of the blue colour of the sky, in developing animal and vegetable life
Flight dynamics of an unmanned aerial vehicle
Rate of recession of Niagara Falls
Medical and surgical monographs
Towards understanding galaxies at large redshift
Understanding Cancer Therapies (Understanding Health & Sickness Series)
Lepidoptera report
Economic geology of the United States
Scott, Foresman Physical Science Laboratory Manual
On the Pathology and Treatment of Some Diseases of the Liver
Flore compl©·te de la France et de la Suisse (comprenant aussi toutes les esp©·ces de Belgique) pour trouver facilement les noms des plantes sans mets techniques
Discovering snakes and lizards
Recent advances in interventional radiology and new vascular imaging
Essai sur la nature et le traitement du choléra asiatique, basé sur l'autopsie et la clinique
The birds of eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey
Specielle Muskelphysiologie oder Bewegungslehre.
Dissertation sur les abcès lombaires
Traité de thérapeutique et de matière médicale v.1, 1855
Maternal obesity and excess risk of perinatal mortality
Handbook to the Orders and Families of Living Mammals
Calculating volume loss in balsam fir pulpwood from wood-boring insects
Zoology leaflet.
Fascinating facts about the earth, space, wild animals, and people.
The charm of physics