An account of the origin and formation of fossil-shells, etc. Wherein is proposed a way to reconcile the two different opinions, of those who affirm them to be the exuviæ of real animals, and those who fancy them to be lusus naturæ
Mechanical filters in electronics
Statics and Dynamics Demystified
A dictionary of medical science
A treatise on vaccination. For the perusal of parents
Revision of the NBS tables of spectral-line intensities below 2450 ℗♭
Textbook of spinal disorders
Clinical neuropsychology of intervention
Nests and eggs of Australian birds
Problems and solutions guide to accompany Rawn Biochemistry
The science of successful surgery
Block theory and its application to rock engineering
Predatory dinosaurs of the world
Powered bulk scooping in potato storages
The International Biological Programme in the subarctic and arctic regions of Canada and its relationship to the broader aspect of northern wilderness conservation
Mouth bacteria
Mathematical Development and Concepts