Books in "Science"

The science and art of prescribing
The science and art of prescribing
Topographical botany: being local and personal records towards shewing the distribution of British plants traced through the 112 counties and vice-counties of England, Wales, and Scotland.
Topographical botany: being local and personal records towards shewing the distribution of British plants traced through the 112 counties and vice-counties of England, Wales, and Scotland.
Compressible Turbulent Mixing
Compressible Turbulent Mixing
The Limestone and Dolomite Resources of the Country Around Wirksworth, Derbyshire (Mineral Assessment Reports)
The Limestone and Dolomite Resources of the Country Around Wirksworth, Derbyshire (Mineral Assessment Reports)
Single-electron devices and circuits in silicon
Single-electron devices and circuits in silicon
Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering
Advances in electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering
Observational Astronomy for Amateurs
Observational Astronomy for Amateurs
Manual of obstetrical technique
Manual of obstetrical technique
Six lectures on the uses of the lungs
Six lectures on the uses of the lungs
Implementation of the Global Strategy for Health for All by the Year 2000: Second Evaluation : Eighth Report on the World Health Situation
Implementation of the Global Strategy for Health for All by the Year 2000: Second Evaluation : Eighth Report on the World Health Situation
Tonsil and Its Uses: Vocal, Mechanic and Physiologic
Tonsil and Its Uses: Vocal, Mechanic and Physiologic
Engineering Simulation
Engineering Simulation
Computing mechanisms and linkages
Computing mechanisms and linkages
Domain decomposition algorithms for the biharmonic Dirichlet problem.
Domain decomposition algorithms for the biharmonic Dirichlet problem.
Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis
Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Instituti Bononiensis
General theory of polyconic projections
General theory of polyconic projections
On the origin of the Chesil bank, and on the relation of the existing beaches to past geological changes independent of the present coast action. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper.
On the origin of the Chesil bank, and on the relation of the existing beaches to past geological changes independent of the present coast action. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper.
Magazine of natural history
Magazine of natural history
Report on an investigation of analytical methods for distinguishing between the nitrogen of proteids and that of the simpler amids or amido-acids. With A chapter on the separation of flesh bases from proteid matters by means of bromin
Report on an investigation of analytical methods for distinguishing between the nitrogen of proteids and that of the simpler amids or amido-acids. With A chapter on the separation of flesh bases from proteid matters by means of bromin
On obscure diseases of the brain, and disorders of the mind
On obscure diseases of the brain, and disorders of the mind
The calculations of general chemistry, with definitions, explan- ations, and problems.
The calculations of general chemistry, with definitions, explan- ations, and problems.
In Quest of the Universe
In Quest of the Universe
The organization of reduction, data flow, and control flow systems
The organization of reduction, data flow, and control flow systems
Metabolic brain dysfunction in systemic disorders
Metabolic brain dysfunction in systemic disorders
Land disturbances from strip-mining in eastern Kentucky
Land disturbances from strip-mining in eastern Kentucky
The immunology of human pregnancy
The immunology of human pregnancy
Expendable bathythermograph (XBT) accuracy studies
Expendable bathythermograph (XBT) accuracy studies
Report on elevated-temperature properties of chromium steels (12-27 per cent)
Report on elevated-temperature properties of chromium steels (12-27 per cent)
Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen ©ơber die Kohlens©Þure der Muskeln
Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen ©ơber die Kohlens©Þure der Muskeln
A commotion in the blood
A commotion in the blood
Statistical procedures in food research
Statistical procedures in food research
Programs of the National Institutes of Health
Programs of the National Institutes of Health
Modeling and measuring natural resource substitution
Modeling and measuring natural resource substitution
Sensor fusion III
Sensor fusion III
A list of the mammals of Manitoba
A list of the mammals of Manitoba
Flora of China, Volume 7
Flora of China, Volume 7
Early developmental differences among five lodgepole pine provenances planted on a subalpine site in Montana
Early developmental differences among five lodgepole pine provenances planted on a subalpine site in Montana
Blood-pressure from the clinical standpoint
Blood-pressure from the clinical standpoint
Radar design principles
Radar design principles
A syllabus of lectures on chymistry and pharmacy
A syllabus of lectures on chymistry and pharmacy
Horae entomologicae, adjectis tabulis novem coloratis
Horae entomologicae, adjectis tabulis novem coloratis
Anatomie et physiologie humaines + eText: Edition reliée et cartonnée
Anatomie et physiologie humaines + eText: Edition reliée et cartonnée