Books in "Young Adult Novel"

First Round Lottery Pick (The Vil)
First Round Lottery Pick (The Vil)
The Goalie
The Goalie
Teenage refugees from Guatemala speak out
Teenage refugees from Guatemala speak out
Fishing in the Air
Fishing in the Air
Desaparece Una Estrella/the Disappearing TV Star (Colección ""Teen Power""/Teen Power Series)
Desaparece Una Estrella/the Disappearing TV Star (Colección ""Teen Power""/Teen Power Series)
Fishing for Clues (Sealed Mystery)
Fishing for Clues (Sealed Mystery)
Rage of fire
Rage of fire
Thoughts of a boy growing up
Thoughts of a boy growing up
Love bomb
Love bomb
Travel tips for teen-agers
Travel tips for teen-agers
Battling for victory
Battling for victory
Di ḳinigin Anasṭalan
Di ḳinigin Anasṭalan
Where you are
Where you are
Growing up
Growing up
Saltar la escoba
Saltar la escoba
The Mediator
The Mediator
The young man's friend
The young man's friend
Science fair survival techniques
Science fair survival techniques
Dear Granny Smith
Dear Granny Smith
Racing Vacation (Sandy Lane Stables)
Racing Vacation (Sandy Lane Stables)
The jock's itch
The jock's itch
Het geheim van de circusdief
Het geheim van de circusdief
The School Track Meet
The School Track Meet
Hard gold
Hard gold
Kicked out of college
Kicked out of college
Horse tails & trails
Horse tails & trails
The secret in the dungeon
The secret in the dungeon
The weathermonger
The weathermonger
The young chieftan
The young chieftan
Art After School
Art After School
Triple H
Triple H
Websters Ii/ya
Websters Ii/ya
A walk in the sun
A walk in the sun
The doom stone
The doom stone
Ski the gap
Ski the gap
Only in my dreams
Only in my dreams