Schau mir in die Augen, Audrey
A Little Bit Of Faith
Kidnapped in the Kafue
The freshman and his college
Inside out
An African princess
The moon of the deer
Xin biao zhun da xue ying yu
L'orientation des jeunes
Edge of Destruction
Our Faithful Friend
Young faces in fashion
Teen health risk appraisal
The New Ranger
Some Other War
A girl called Al
The Great Dad Disaster
Everglades forever
No lye!
Melanin 'n me
High school drop out.
Your very own guardian angel
Rebel and the promise
Remember Me 3
The monarch butterfly.
My mom hates me in January
Boys growing up
Run wild, run free
U R Invited
Turn on the Light
Teen Rights (and Responsibilities), 2E
Forever Sam
(A) study of adolescent conflicts and escapes in the field of religion and science ..
Plays for modern teen-age actors
Dear Cassie
In Neck Deep