Zur Schule gehen
It's a Girl!
The boy problem.
Tranen van de giraffe
Wicked hunger
Teens and suicide
Annie, Bea, and Chi Chi Dolores
Kings of the Court
Teen Smoking
The haunted clubhouse
Reeftown elite
Guess who?
Words to fly with
Child's Journal
The Last of the Sandwalkers
Point guard
Dinosaur hunters
The little cryptogram
Sharing with Renoir
I am a princess
The Cycle of Your Life (Spyglass Books, 1)
Catching air!
The annual.
Do you want what I want?
A place to hide
Laat me!
Nhật ký bí mật của Ellie =
Adam! where are you?
Lost at the Fair (Wide World)
The American youth
Adolescents and the American high school.
Li shi de xuan zhai
Don't Cramp My Style
Freewheelers - the sign of the beaver
Star Wars. Jedi Quest 5.
La Marque du feu
Python adventure