Books in "Biography"

Helen Keller (Famous People, Famous Lives)
Helen Keller (Famous People, Famous Lives)
Significant sisters
Significant sisters
The Life of Mr. James Quin, comedian
The Life of Mr. James Quin, comedian
Lone survivor
Lone survivor
An analytical sketch of the Young Men's Christian Association in North America from 1851 to 1876...
An analytical sketch of the Young Men's Christian Association in North America from 1851 to 1876...
Observations on the life of Cicero.
Observations on the life of Cicero.
Francesco Raibolini called Francia
Francesco Raibolini called Francia
François Mauriac
François Mauriac
Wim Wenders and Peter Handke
Wim Wenders and Peter Handke
Bulletin... Southard memorial number...
Bulletin... Southard memorial number...
The intimate Lincoln
The intimate Lincoln
Popular music of the twenties.
Popular music of the twenties.
James Tift Champlin
James Tift Champlin
Martin Luther, and other essays.
Martin Luther, and other essays.
Mémoire sur une mission au mont Athos
Mémoire sur une mission au mont Athos
August Strindberg
August Strindberg
Muslim women in America
Muslim women in America
Life of St. Margaret Queen of Scotland
Life of St. Margaret Queen of Scotland
Observations on the diseases of the army in Jamaica
Observations on the diseases of the army in Jamaica
Wartime military airfields of East Anglia, 1939-1945
Wartime military airfields of East Anglia, 1939-1945
Francis Parkman
Francis Parkman
The statesmen of ancient India
The statesmen of ancient India
Adolphe Willette
Adolphe Willette
Kiki Smith
Kiki Smith
Life of Shakespeare (as seen by Georg Brandes)
Life of Shakespeare (as seen by Georg Brandes)
Sigmund Freud and Lou Andreas-Salomé; letters.
Sigmund Freud and Lou Andreas-Salomé; letters.
Die Konzentrationslagerhaft und ihre Folgen (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Psychiatrie) (German Edition)
Die Konzentrationslagerhaft und ihre Folgen (Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Psychiatrie) (German Edition)
The beauties of the late Reverend Dr. Isaac Watts
The beauties of the late Reverend Dr. Isaac Watts
John Wesley's mission to Scotland, 1751-1790
John Wesley's mission to Scotland, 1751-1790
J. Gresham Machen
J. Gresham Machen
Papers illustrative of the origin and early history of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea
Papers illustrative of the origin and early history of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea
Gilbert and Sullivan
Gilbert and Sullivan
Joseph Conrad
Joseph Conrad
The life of Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D
The life of Charles Hodge, D.D., LL.D
[Letter to] My dear Friend
[Letter to] My dear Friend
Anatole Demidoff - Prince of San Donato (1812-70) (Collectors of the Wallace Collection)
Anatole Demidoff - Prince of San Donato (1812-70) (Collectors of the Wallace Collection)
John Cage
John Cage
Geschichte der Ev.-Luth. Gnaden-Gemeinde zu Fort Wayne, Indiana
Geschichte der Ev.-Luth. Gnaden-Gemeinde zu Fort Wayne, Indiana