Books in "Biography"

Abraham Coles: Biographical Sketch, Memorial Tributes, Selections from His ...
Abraham Coles: Biographical Sketch, Memorial Tributes, Selections from His ...
Proceedings of the Senate of Pennsylvania in commemoration of Hon. Thomas B. Harper
Proceedings of the Senate of Pennsylvania in commemoration of Hon. Thomas B. Harper
Louis Legrand, peintre et graveur.
Louis Legrand, peintre et graveur.
Forgotten Voices of the Second World War
Forgotten Voices of the Second World War
Genealogy of Descendants of Claude Le Maitre (Delamater): Who Came from ...
Genealogy of Descendants of Claude Le Maitre (Delamater): Who Came from ...
Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner
El ideal político del libertador Simón Bolivar.
El ideal político del libertador Simón Bolivar.
Superstars Of Womens Tennis (Women Athletes of the New Millennium)
Superstars Of Womens Tennis (Women Athletes of the New Millennium)
William Penn
William Penn
Miquel Barceló
Miquel Barceló
175 Years of Cunard
175 Years of Cunard
Vienna and the young Hitler.
Vienna and the young Hitler.
Life on the line
Life on the line
The life of William Roscoe
The life of William Roscoe
James Baldwin
James Baldwin
A critical account of the life, character, and discourses of Mr. Alexander Morus ...
A critical account of the life, character, and discourses of Mr. Alexander Morus ...
Life of Asa G. Sheldon: Wilmington farmer.
Life of Asa G. Sheldon: Wilmington farmer.
Finding Oz
Finding Oz
The Woods-McAfee memorial, containing an account of John Woods and James McAfee of Ireland, and their descendants in America
The Woods-McAfee memorial, containing an account of John Woods and James McAfee of Ireland, and their descendants in America
La biographie
La biographie
Studies of a biographer.
Studies of a biographer.
Emily Carr
Emily Carr
Mexican Muralists
Mexican Muralists
Sketches of "Stonewall Jackson"
Sketches of "Stonewall Jackson"
Philip Roth
Philip Roth
Speech of Senator Douglas, at a public dinner given him by his personal and political friends, at Chicago, November 9, 1854
Speech of Senator Douglas, at a public dinner given him by his personal and political friends, at Chicago, November 9, 1854
American Africans in Ghana
American Africans in Ghana
Akolouthia vios kai martyrion tēs hosias kai theophorou metros hēmōn Philotheēs tēs ex Athēnōn
Akolouthia vios kai martyrion tēs hosias kai theophorou metros hēmōn Philotheēs tēs ex Athēnōn
Zum Gedächtnis von Schillers historischen Lehramt in Jena
Zum Gedächtnis von Schillers historischen Lehramt in Jena
Huxley's autobiography and selected essays from lay sermons
Huxley's autobiography and selected essays from lay sermons
The legacy of Lord Baden-Powell
The legacy of Lord Baden-Powell
Memoir of King Ëyo VII of Old Calabar
Memoir of King Ëyo VII of Old Calabar
The Israeli mind
The Israeli mind
Deng Xiaoping de ping chang sheng huo
Deng Xiaoping de ping chang sheng huo
The life of Alexander Hamilton.
The life of Alexander Hamilton.
Waterfront workers of New Orleans
Waterfront workers of New Orleans
Historical sketch of the Columbia typographical union number one hundred and one (known as Columbia typographical society from 1815 to 1867)
Historical sketch of the Columbia typographical union number one hundred and one (known as Columbia typographical society from 1815 to 1867)
Doctors of Samuel Johnson and his court
Doctors of Samuel Johnson and his court
De macht en de almacht
De macht en de almacht
The 500 home run club
The 500 home run club