T.C. Murray, dramatist
Edouard Lartet
Annual report
The diaries of a cabinet minister
The Rough Riders
A life for Africa
Port Royal and its saints: the 'Select memoirs of Port Royal'.
John Elway, armed and dangerous
The journal of John Woolman
The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V.: With a View of the ...
African Americans in Michigan
Woods-working women
The influence of Emerson.
The new Latins
Washington and his generals
The Shoshone of California (The Library of Native Americans of California)
The History of the Holocaust
A short history and genealogy of the English family Rodes
Shakespeare and his times
Christophe Colomb devant l'histoire
It's always possible
Great moments in sport-golf
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Lyndon B. Johnson
Edward MacDowell: A Great American Tone Poet, His Life and Music
Sing along with Mitch at the Conn organ
A memorial of Andrew J. Shipman
Phoebe Anna Traquair
The encyclopedia of jazz.
Memoirs of a bird in a gilded cage.
Antwone Fisher
List of the graduates in medicine in the University of Edinbrugh from MDCCV. to MDCCCLXVI.
Memorie della vita di Giosue Carducci, 1835-1907
Reminiscences of Juniata College, quarter century 1876-1901
Portraits of Nobel laureates in medicine and physiology
A single lifetime, 1936-2006
Guide to the papers in the John Hunter Walker collection, 1911-1953
Employees in nursing homes
Laura Ingalls Wilder (Essential Lives)
Army Life in a Black Regiment