The native tribes of south-east Australia
The True Benjamin Franklin
The story of H.M. Stanley
Saint-Simon and the court of Louis XIV
Margaret Thatcher
Lectures on the history of the Eastern Church
History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis & Clark to the sources of the Missouri, then across the Rocky Mountains and down the river Columbia to the Pacific Ocean
Charles Francis Adams
A follow-up study of the secretarial graduates (1937-1946, inclusive) of the Scituate, Massachusetts, High School
Orville Hitchcock Platt
Tough liberal
Scenes from the life of Martin Luther
Brigadier-General Thomas Francis Meagher: his political and military career
Nobel, the man and his prizes
Graham Greene
Winning in Both Leagues
Introducing Mozart (Famous Composers Series)
The English ancestry of the Hoxtons of Maryland and Virginia
Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Lynyrd Skynrd
The ultimate encyclopedia of boxing
An address delivered in the First Church, Salem, at the funeral services of Charles W. Upham, June 18, 1875
Mémoire sur un nouveau mode de traitement pour la guérison des dartres, d'après un travail ... présenté ... à la Faculté de Médecine de Paris, le 4 janvier 1825
The lesser writings of John Arderne
To survive and to tell the story
Don Pedro Calderon della Barca, rapido esboço da sua vida e escriptos
Life of Napoleon
Rubén Darío
Bible characters
Alfred Deakin: A Biography
Kelly Clarkson (Today's Superstars: Entertainment)
Posthumous memoirs of Karoline Bauer
François Mauriac
Tina Turner
The Tibbets story
Joseph Lister
Testimonial souvenir, Joseph Benson Foraker
Jesse Owens, Olympic hero
The Vanderbilts and their fortunes
Chipmans in Maine, a genealogy.
Kennedy in Vietnam
Real people working in education