Ballads of the Pacific Northwest
Satan, a poem
Poème de Sidi Boushaki
Men and women
Masnavi-i Mir Hasan
The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley, collected and arranged by G. Osborn
Collected poems
Some dreams of a California poet
Auf vielen Wegen
Popular poetry of the Baloches
A system of Latin versification
Antología virtual
Tennyson's In memoriam
A new literal version of the book of Psalms
Prayers, poems & songs
The Psalms of David
One hundred ballades, rondeaux and virelais from the late middle ages
Hiding the universe; poems
Proverbes romantiques.
Caprices poétiques et chansons satiriques
Poetical works of William Cullen Bryant.
Oeuvres complètes de Musset
The courtship of Miles Standish
Idylles et poèmes champ̂etres.
Selected poems of Francis Thompson ; with a biographical note by Wilfrid Meynell. --
Aria da capo
Land without maps
Wider than the sky : poems to grow up with
New-Generation African Poets
Tennyson's The Princess
Poezye Zygmunta Krasińskiego
Encuentro de poetas
Sonnets and poems
Glen Desseray and other poems, lyrical and elegiac.
Cursor Mundi: (The Cursur O the World). A Northumbrian Poem of the XIVth Century in Four Versions
Haibun inpu sakuin