Books in "Poetry"

Poet's market, 2000 : 1,800 places to publish your poetry
Poet's market, 2000 : 1,800 places to publish your poetry
The Poet: And Other Poems
The Poet: And Other Poems
Poems & translations
Poems & translations
Random rimes.
Random rimes.
Praying the Gospels through poetry
Praying the Gospels through poetry
Elegy of Richmond and other poems
Elegy of Richmond and other poems
Folk-songs from Dorset
Folk-songs from Dorset
The Lays of Ancient Rome
The Lays of Ancient Rome
Poems, ludicrous, satirical and moral.
Poems, ludicrous, satirical and moral.
China Notes & the Treasures of Dunhuang
China Notes & the Treasures of Dunhuang
Seventeenth-century English poetry
Seventeenth-century English poetry
Six modernist moments in poetry
Six modernist moments in poetry
A New Metrical Version of the Psalms of David: With an Appendix of Select Psalms and Hymns ...
A New Metrical Version of the Psalms of David: With an Appendix of Select Psalms and Hymns ...
Settlers in Australia: A Prize Poem, Recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 24 ...
Settlers in Australia: A Prize Poem, Recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 24 ...
A magam ösvényén (szerzó hatodik verseskönyve).
A magam ösvényén (szerzó hatodik verseskönyve).
Poésie, cognition, traduction
Poésie, cognition, traduction
Green fields and running brooks
Green fields and running brooks
Poetas líricos de los siglos XVI y XVII
Poetas líricos de los siglos XVI y XVII
Le Grand Cerf-volant. Poèmes, contes et chansons
Le Grand Cerf-volant. Poèmes, contes et chansons
The Complete Works of W. H. Auden
The Complete Works of W. H. Auden
Random House Webster's Pocket Rhyming Dictionary
Random House Webster's Pocket Rhyming Dictionary
Les vers de la mort
Les vers de la mort
A masque of poets.
A masque of poets.
Spooky poems
Spooky poems
Drake, an English epic, books I-XII
Drake, an English epic, books I-XII
Gedichte in gereimten Versen
Gedichte in gereimten Versen
Spiritual songs, for social worship
Spiritual songs, for social worship
The collected poems of Lord Alfred Douglas
The collected poems of Lord Alfred Douglas
Opere di Battista Guarini
Opere di Battista Guarini
Verse-tales, lyrics, and translations
Verse-tales, lyrics, and translations
Tecumseh, Or, The West Thirty Years Since: A Poem
Tecumseh, Or, The West Thirty Years Since: A Poem
Home Ballads
Home Ballads
P. Ovidius Nasonis Carmina
P. Ovidius Nasonis Carmina
A sculptor, and other poems
A sculptor, and other poems
The weather of the heart : poems
The weather of the heart : poems
Poems and Wondering Thoughts
Poems and Wondering Thoughts