Poet's market, 2000 : 1,800 places to publish your poetry
The Poet: And Other Poems
Poems & translations
Random rimes.
Praying the Gospels through poetry
Elegy of Richmond and other poems
Folk-songs from Dorset
The Lays of Ancient Rome
Poems, ludicrous, satirical and moral.
China Notes & the Treasures of Dunhuang
Seventeenth-century English poetry
Six modernist moments in poetry
A New Metrical Version of the Psalms of David: With an Appendix of Select Psalms and Hymns ...
Settlers in Australia: A Prize Poem, Recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 24 ...
A magam ösvényén (szerzó hatodik verseskönyve).
Poésie, cognition, traduction
Green fields and running brooks
Poetas líricos de los siglos XVI y XVII
Le Grand Cerf-volant. Poèmes, contes et chansons
The Complete Works of W. H. Auden
Random House Webster's Pocket Rhyming Dictionary
Les vers de la mort
A masque of poets.
Spooky poems
Drake, an English epic, books I-XII
Gedichte in gereimten Versen
Spiritual songs, for social worship
The collected poems of Lord Alfred Douglas
Opere di Battista Guarini
Verse-tales, lyrics, and translations
Tecumseh, Or, The West Thirty Years Since: A Poem
Home Ballads
P. Ovidius Nasonis Carmina
A sculptor, and other poems
The weather of the heart : poems
Poems and Wondering Thoughts