Books in "Poetry"

Specimens of the Poets and Poetry of Greece and Rome
Specimens of the Poets and Poetry of Greece and Rome
Sonetos espirituales (1914-1915)
Sonetos espirituales (1914-1915)
Rhymes of Vermont rural life
Rhymes of Vermont rural life
American poems, 1776-1922
American poems, 1776-1922
The Poetical and Dramatic Works of S. T. Coleridge: With a Memoir
The Poetical and Dramatic Works of S. T. Coleridge: With a Memoir
Voices of the night, and other poems.
Voices of the night, and other poems.
Les poètes patriotiques
Les poètes patriotiques
Georgian poetry, 1913-1915.
Georgian poetry, 1913-1915.
Moena, and other poems
Moena, and other poems
Antología de la Poesía amorosa
Antología de la Poesía amorosa
Obras poeticas de Domingos dos Reis Quita, chamado entre os da Arcadia lusitana Alcino Micenio ...
Obras poeticas de Domingos dos Reis Quita, chamado entre os da Arcadia lusitana Alcino Micenio ...
Watchwords from John Boyle O'Reilly
Watchwords from John Boyle O'Reilly
The works
The works
Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass
Victorian Anthology 1837-1895
Victorian Anthology 1837-1895
Deutsche Dichtungen
Deutsche Dichtungen
Stikhi i pesni Dvadt͡satʹ pervogo veka
Stikhi i pesni Dvadt͡satʹ pervogo veka
Amoenitates poeticae: sive Theodore Bezae, Marc-Antonii Mureti, et Joannis Secundi Juvenilia ...
Amoenitates poeticae: sive Theodore Bezae, Marc-Antonii Mureti, et Joannis Secundi Juvenilia ...
Ten modern New Zealand poets
Ten modern New Zealand poets
Les plus anciens chansonniers français
Les plus anciens chansonniers français
Tupper's poetical works
Tupper's poetical works
Tales of a wayside inn
Tales of a wayside inn
Ballads of a Cheechako
Ballads of a Cheechako
Selected poems
Selected poems
The Very Best of David Harmer
The Very Best of David Harmer
The book of living verse, limited to the chief poets
The book of living verse, limited to the chief poets
The Pleasures of Imagination: A Poem, in Three Books
The Pleasures of Imagination: A Poem, in Three Books
Original and select hymns, and sacred pindaric odes
Original and select hymns, and sacred pindaric odes
Lieder des Rgveda, übersetzt von Alfred Hillebrandt
Lieder des Rgveda, übersetzt von Alfred Hillebrandt
Rime, di Paolo Rolli
Rime, di Paolo Rolli
The New Oxford book of sixteenth century verse
The New Oxford book of sixteenth century verse
How to read a poem-- and start a poetry circle
How to read a poem-- and start a poetry circle
Inne abecadło
Inne abecadło
A Selection from Tate and Brady's version of the Psalms
A Selection from Tate and Brady's version of the Psalms
Tyger Tyger Burning Bright Much Loved Poems You Halfremember
Tyger Tyger Burning Bright Much Loved Poems You Halfremember
Le chansonnier des graces: avec la musique gravée des airs nouveaux
Le chansonnier des graces: avec la musique gravée des airs nouveaux
Red leaves and roses
Red leaves and roses
Sonnets franc-comtois inédits, écrits au Commencement du 17e siècle et publiés pour la première fois d'après le manuscrit original, avec une introd. historique et des notes, et la description des gravures inédites de Pierre de Loysi
Sonnets franc-comtois inédits, écrits au Commencement du 17e siècle et publiés pour la première fois d'après le manuscrit original, avec une introd. historique et des notes, et la description des gravures inédites de Pierre de Loysi
The early poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The early poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Mediaeval Scottish poetry
Mediaeval Scottish poetry
Poems on several occasions
Poems on several occasions
The Sibylline Oracles: Translated from the Greek Into English Blank Verse
The Sibylline Oracles: Translated from the Greek Into English Blank Verse