Books in "Poetry"

Une Anthologie
Une Anthologie
Cancionero y romancero de coplas y canciones de arte menor, letras, letrillas, romances cortos y glosas anteriores al siglo XVIII, pertenecientes á los géneros doctrinal, amatorio, jocoso, satírico, &c.
Cancionero y romancero de coplas y canciones de arte menor, letras, letrillas, romances cortos y glosas anteriores al siglo XVIII, pertenecientes á los géneros doctrinal, amatorio, jocoso, satírico, &c.
Selected Poems
Selected Poems
The millenium and 20 other poems
The millenium and 20 other poems
The Collected Poems
                Penguin Classics Deluxe Editio
The Collected Poems Penguin Classics Deluxe Editio
Sämtliche Werke
Sämtliche Werke
Yorkshire ditties
Yorkshire ditties
Pippa passes, a drama.
Pippa passes, a drama.
Popular verses
Popular verses
The poems of Robert Henryson
The poems of Robert Henryson
The complete writings of William Blake
The complete writings of William Blake
The power of poetry
The power of poetry
History of England, in verse, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the present time
History of England, in verse, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the present time
Poems and afterword
Poems and afterword
Alcune poesie in dialetto romanesco di G.G. Belli.
Alcune poesie in dialetto romanesco di G.G. Belli.
The hour of magic and other poems, decorated by William Nicholson.
The hour of magic and other poems, decorated by William Nicholson.
Dark Summer (The Miami University Press Poetry Series)
Dark Summer (The Miami University Press Poetry Series)
Forward Book of Poetry
Forward Book of Poetry
Sun at midnight : poems and sermons
Sun at midnight : poems and sermons
Poems and plays.
Poems and plays.
The Ghetto, and other poems
The Ghetto, and other poems
Essays of poets and poetry, ancient and modern.
Essays of poets and poetry, ancient and modern.
Os meus ultimos versos
Os meus ultimos versos
Almanach des Muses: 1765-
Almanach des Muses: 1765-
Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books
Paradise Lost: A Poem in Twelve Books
Poetical works
Poetical works
Oberod: And Other Poems
Oberod: And Other Poems
New poems of James Hebblethwaite
New poems of James Hebblethwaite
Songs of a sourdough
Songs of a sourdough
A poem on the origin and suppression of the late rebellion.
A poem on the origin and suppression of the late rebellion.
Joannis Laurentii Lucchesinii Lucensis E Societate Jesu ... Lyricorum Libri Duo. Hymnorum Liber Unus. Epigrammatum Libri Sex. Quorum Quadringentis Argumenta Tantum Quatuor Excoluntur. Carminum Tomus Tertius
Joannis Laurentii Lucchesinii Lucensis E Societate Jesu ... Lyricorum Libri Duo. Hymnorum Liber Unus. Epigrammatum Libri Sex. Quorum Quadringentis Argumenta Tantum Quatuor Excoluntur. Carminum Tomus Tertius
Poems and lyrics: chiefly in the Scottish dialect
Poems and lyrics: chiefly in the Scottish dialect
A Paper zoo : a collection of animal poems
A Paper zoo : a collection of animal poems
Robert Frost ; An Anthology of Recent Criticism
Robert Frost ; An Anthology of Recent Criticism
Bothwell: A Poem in Six Parts
Bothwell: A Poem in Six Parts
Childe Harold, ed. by H.F. Tozer
Childe Harold, ed. by H.F. Tozer
Never let the sun set on a quarrel.
Never let the sun set on a quarrel.
Cancioneiro de Coimbra
Cancioneiro de Coimbra
Thinking of You (Assorted Love Themes)
Thinking of You (Assorted Love Themes)
Ten-second rainshowers : poems by young people
Ten-second rainshowers : poems by young people