Transcending the hero, reinventing the heroic
L'espace et le temps chez Liebniz et chez Kant
The University agitation exposed in a letter to a member of parliament
Zur Frage der Bodenentschuldung.
Opera omnia
First Principles: Or, The Elements of the Gospel, Analyzed and Discussed in Letters to an Inquirer
The Religions of the World and Their Relations to Christianity
Better than half-tones: how do you know?
Ancient masters and Jesus.
Ciceros Kritik der Philosophenschulen
Koredake seikagaku
Les verbes logiques
The Christian Life delineated in the principal lines thereof, both as to its rise and progress
101 Questions About The Bible And Christianity
Moral education
Address before the American Social Science Association
Die Propaganda der romischen Kirche
Politics Of Warfare
The legends and theories of the Buddhists compared with history and science
Why Catholic?
Histoire du Parlement de Paris.
Essays on Catholic life.
Making moral decisions
Advis d'un theologien sans passion
The covenant story of the Bible
Syllabus of a course of study on the history and principles of education
An cunnart a tha ann an dail
Analysis of Dr. Newman's Apologia pro vita sua
The big question
Die Psychologie Alberts des Grossen
Understanding the gift of mortal life
Christian faith and philosophical inquiry
Psychodynamics of personality development.
John Bunyan and higher criticism
Christianity's great dilemma
Socialism p*red válkou a po válce
Der Verlust der Staatsangehörigkeit durch Naturalisation und durch Aufenthalt imAuslande nach geltendem deutschem und französischem Staatsreche
Déontologie médicale, devoirs et droits des médecins vis-à-vis de l'autorité, de leurs confrères ...
La definition de la philosophie