Books in "Philosophy"

Versuche, Unterhaltungen und Belustigungen aus der natürlichen Magie
Versuche, Unterhaltungen und Belustigungen aus der natürlichen Magie
Human responses to social problems
Human responses to social problems
Mohammedanism and other religions of Mediterranean countries
Mohammedanism and other religions of Mediterranean countries
National life and thought of the various nations throughout the world
National life and thought of the various nations throughout the world
The city of man
The city of man
Notes on the study of Genesis
Notes on the study of Genesis
Moral philosophy from Montaigne to Kant
Moral philosophy from Montaigne to Kant
Gai lü lun yu shu li tong ji
Gai lü lun yu shu li tong ji
The capability problem in contract law
The capability problem in contract law
The Roman curia and the communion of churches
The Roman curia and the communion of churches
Man's feelings toward animals and their uses
Man's feelings toward animals and their uses
Sñan ʼgrel yaṅ gsal snaṅ mdzod las don rgyan so lṅaʼi tshig ʼgrel dbyaṅs can pi waṅ
Sñan ʼgrel yaṅ gsal snaṅ mdzod las don rgyan so lṅaʼi tshig ʼgrel dbyaṅs can pi waṅ
Dynamics of world politics
Dynamics of world politics
Commentationis de [asebeias graphe] sive De impietatis actione tum aliis viris claris tum maxime philosophis ab Atheniensibus intenta particula I
Commentationis de [asebeias graphe] sive De impietatis actione tum aliis viris claris tum maxime philosophis ab Atheniensibus intenta particula I
The distribution of wealth (1893)
The distribution of wealth (1893)
De sermone Lucretiano...
De sermone Lucretiano...
Some Hellenistic Elements in Primitive Christianity
Some Hellenistic Elements in Primitive Christianity
Interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding
Interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding
Ritual Matters
Ritual Matters
The Christian faith
The Christian faith
Judging Social Issues (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development)
Judging Social Issues (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development)
Notes, critical and explanatory, on the Acts of the apostles.
Notes, critical and explanatory, on the Acts of the apostles.
The complete grammar of anarchy
The complete grammar of anarchy
Le cerveau à sornettes
Le cerveau à sornettes
Mig yid rna baʼi dgaʼ ston legs bśad gter gyi bum bzaṅ
Mig yid rna baʼi dgaʼ ston legs bśad gter gyi bum bzaṅ
Opinion du représentant du peuple Dessaix sur la liberté de la presse.
Opinion du représentant du peuple Dessaix sur la liberté de la presse.
La souveraineté du Québec
La souveraineté du Québec
Politics of Alter Defence
Politics of Alter Defence
L'inno del Simposio di S. Metodio martire
L'inno del Simposio di S. Metodio martire
Opera omnia in unum corpus digesta ad fidem editionum Coloniensium
Opera omnia in unum corpus digesta ad fidem editionum Coloniensium
Opinion de M. Malouet, sur les conventions nationales et sur la ne cessite  d'une acceptation libre de la Constitution par la nation et par le roi
Opinion de M. Malouet, sur les conventions nationales et sur la ne cessite d'une acceptation libre de la Constitution par la nation et par le roi
The relativistic deduction
The relativistic deduction
A letter to the governors of the college of New York
A letter to the governors of the college of New York
Religion and science in early Canada
Religion and science in early Canada
Vision, perception, and cognition
Vision, perception, and cognition
Modern missions and culture: their mutual relations, tr. by T. Smith
Modern missions and culture: their mutual relations, tr. by T. Smith
America and the Orient: Outlines of a Constructive Policy
America and the Orient: Outlines of a Constructive Policy
On the Past, Present & Future
On the Past, Present & Future
The unity of science, theology, and doubt
The unity of science, theology, and doubt
Progress or revolution?
Progress or revolution?
Observations sur la lettre adresse e au roi
Observations sur la lettre adresse e au roi