East and West: The Making of a Rift in the Church
What the Bible says about the great tribulation
The case stated, between the Church of Rome and the Church of England
The New Testament basis of pacifism and The relevance of an impossible ideal
Die Gesetze in der Priesterschrift
Demain, la France dans le monde
The evidences of Christianity briefly stated
Halachische Exegese: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Exegese und zur Methodologie des Talmud's
Baptismal obligations, or, The duties and responsibilities of God-parents and baptized persons.
The ethics of urban leaseholds.
Vergleichende Darstellung und Beurtheilung der Religionsphilosophie Hegels und Schleiermachers.
Daniel and the Revelation
An Essay on the development of Christian doctrine
The new world of philosophy.
A sermon, on the parable of the sheep and goats
Étude sur Bayle.
La Biosphère, la biodiversité et l'homme
Physical Realism: Being an Analytical Philosophy from the Physical Objects ...
The Avantgarde Imperative The Visionary Quest For A New Language
The light of Buddha
This is our faith
Oeuvres complétes de Saint Chrysostome
Traicte du feu et du sel
Institutiones logicales
Risposta ... alle Riflessioni di Gaetano Strambio sul libro intitolato Joannis Brunonis etc. Elementa medicinae
The poverty of Christ and the apostles
The Environment of man
The reasonableness of the religion of Jesus
Hegel's logic
De vera Theophrasteorum Characterum indole et genuina forma ex Aristotelica ratione repetenda
Studies in Hellenistic religions
Thinking about the longstanding problems of virtue and happiness
Causes for national humiliation
De gratia Christi
Visions and revisions
The way of perfection
A letter to the Rev. Dr. Moberly ...
The human aura
Essais politiques et philosophiques
The Love of the Sacred Heart
Capital and labor
Here am I, where are you?