A Treatise of Delighting in God: Three Lines of Biblical Quotations (A Practical Treatise on the ...
GBS/GKC: Shaw and Chesterton, the metaphysical jesters
The unity of science
Summa astrologiae judicialis
Conversations and Transformations
Quaestiones grammaticae ad Polybium pertinentes: a) de Polybii sententiis finalibus; b) aliquot ...
Christian worship
The Elemental passion for place in the ontopoiesis of life
Fairness and redistribution
Fukuō jiden
Éthique et littérature
Traité des impôts, considérés sous le rapport historique, économique et politique en France et à l'étranger.
Education's prisoners
Das grosse Versöhnungsopfer auf Golgotha, oder die Leidens- und Todesgeschichte Jesu nach den ...
Obedience to human law considered in the light of divine truth.
Two discussions
Christian realities
A lecture on the Saʹnkhya philosophy
The Sophists
Das Recht der Kirche und die Staatsgewalt in Bayern
The Jewish religion
Verdicts on social work
Modernity and Postmodern Culture (Issues in Cultural and Media Studies)
Ioannis Francisci Pici Mirandulani Principis, Concordiaeque Comitis Hymni heroici tres. ad Sanctissimam Trinitatem, ad Christum, et ad Virginem Mariam, vna cum commentariis luculentiss. ...
Etica generale
Die Struktur wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen und die Geschichte der Wissenschaften
Wesen und Wert der homerischen Heilkunde
Essai sur l'art d'�etre heureux
Risālah fī bayān kayfīyat intishār al-adyān
The revelation of God in his word, shown in a graphic delineation of Holy Scripture for its friends and enemies
La tradizione del diritto naturale
Théorie des logarithmes
Language and languages, being "Chapters on language" and "Families of speech"
The Greek genius and its meaning to us
Migrant workers and the transformation of western societies
L'éthique clinique en situation de pénurie
Practical observations upon the education of the people
Destroy to create; interaction with the natural environment in the building of America.
Lun ren sheng
Amerika's Besserungs-System und dessen Anwendung auf Europa
Postmodernity's transcending