Letters on the evidences, doctrines and duties of the Christian religion
The divine legation of Moses demonstrated
The works of Voltaire
Public opinion; changing attitudes on contemporary political and social issues.
Platons Vertheidigungsrede des Sokrates und Kriton
Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der römischen Verfassungsgeschichte
Dialogues on the uses of foreign travel
The every-day philosopher in town and country.
Lectures on man
A Key to the Narrative of the Acts of the Apostles, etc
Race in a Post-Obama America
Rapport et projet de de cret sur l'enseignement libre des sciences & des arts
Plato and Milton
The history of European liberalism
Das Gebet in Bibel und Talmud
Zur Geschichte der Konstitutionslehre
Karma peace
Faith & freedom
The antidepressant era
The unriddling of Christian origins
Essai sur le catholicisme, le libéralisme et le socialisme
De l'inhumanité de la religion
Radicalizing Reformation
Bishops in Communion: Collegiality in the Service of the Koinonia of the Church
Human rights law
Sermons on practical subjects, ed. by R.H. Graves
Politics and economic policy in Western democracies
Más allá del neoliberalismo
Frauenfrage und christenthum
Governing economy
Actualité d'Eric Weil
Disquisitiones de structure et textura lienis
The Cultic Milieu
Libre d'apprendre
Was heisst Denken?
Contribution © l'©♭tude de l'h©♭mophilie articulaire
O hellenismo e a civilisação christan
A new look at Biblical crime
Logosophy science and method
Transcendence and transformation
Historia do futuro
The Evangelical Left