Historia septem sapientum
The Essence of the Church
Lem über Lem
Der Orsprung des Christenthums geine vorbereitenden Grundiegungen und feiu gintritt in die belt
Los dos tratados del Papa, I de la misa
Y pwlpud a'r wasg sef cyfrol o bregethau a thraethodau
Quaestionum Lucretianarum capita duo
The Saints' Everlasting Rest
The sayings of Lewis Carroll
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive
Petit Traité de Zénitude
Extrait des annales intitulées Œuvres de St. Augustin et de Sainte-Monique
The humanities and the sciences
Polycarp's two epistles to the Philippians
The religions of the world.
Pour en finir avec les conflits d'intérêts
The Unitarian banner and other sermons
Semeiotica, fisica e funzionale
A letter to the right honourable the Earl of Shaftesbury ; president of the British and Foreign Bible Society
Programmed by God or Free to Choose
The discourses of Epictetus.
Teach yourself beginner's Buddhism
Midrash Yalk Đut Đ Shim oni
The prospects for revolution
Feminism and Censorship (Feminism & Censorship)
Knight of Faith
Education phrenologically & physiologically considered
The edge of the unknown
Urban guerilla
An inaugural dissertation on insanity
The minister, the parent, and the Church: inaugural addresses
Practical guide to the investigation of spiritualism, healing, and the occult sciences
Contemporary educational theory (Educational policy, planning, and theory)
Antilegomena: Die Reste der ausserkanonischen Evangelien und urchristlichen Überlieferungen
The assent of faith.
The Debate Over Thermonuclear Strategy
The Science of International Law
Arthur Schopenhauers metaphysik der musik.
The theology of the hammer
Scripture Marks of salvation
Karl Marx and world literature
Science and immortality