Shards of memory
James Bay
To dream again
Attic in Greece
La géante endormie
Los nenes
Selections from the British satirists
The Life and Strange, Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
A si di yu
La vie dans l'eau
Los grandes romanticos cubanos
Étude sur les ex-dono et dédicaces autographes
Forbidden objects
The Masters
Leitfaden zur Geschichte der deutschen Literatur
Zhong duan pian xiao shuo xuan (Yang Mo wen ji)
Selected letters, with notes by C.E. Prichard and E.R. Bernard
This country was ours
Danmarks boghandlere.
The Public opinion bill
Geplante Forschung
Cissie Flowers
Praying for Justice
The Master's Review
Five cities
Thomas Hardy, Jude the obscure
Uncommon grammar cloth
Gaining people, losing ground
[Letter to] My Dear Debora[h]
The modern Griselda
Words of Life
Since Flannery O'Connor
Histoire de la littérature française au 17e siècle
Su Minfeng feng sheng shui qi.
Riders on the Earth
Daiches Milton