Books in "Literary Fiction"

Sketches of Hindoo life.
Sketches of Hindoo life.
The Bohemian girl
The Bohemian girl
God bless her!
God bless her!
Ubaldo and Irene
Ubaldo and Irene
Your Thumping Heart and Battling Blood System
Your Thumping Heart and Battling Blood System
The gentle grafter
The gentle grafter
Trembling on the edge of political change
Trembling on the edge of political change
St. Leger
St. Leger
[Report 1964]
[Report 1964]
The sunsets of Miss Olivia Wiggins
The sunsets of Miss Olivia Wiggins
The lure of the land
The lure of the land
Corner of heaven
Corner of heaven
A storyteller in Zion
A storyteller in Zion
No angel
No angel
The changing life of the corporate wife
The changing life of the corporate wife
Vanilla curing
Vanilla curing
Promenade au havre
Promenade au havre
Crooked past
Crooked past
Ma Ming Feng Xiao Xiao
Ma Ming Feng Xiao Xiao
Sons and lovers
Sons and lovers
Nuovi saggi critici
Nuovi saggi critici
Wolfville folks
Wolfville folks
Sisters and prophets
Sisters and prophets
Zhang de hao kan bu ru huo de piao liang
Zhang de hao kan bu ru huo de piao liang
Bishop's Road
Bishop's Road
Grey dawn
Grey dawn
Fall 1957, spring 1958
Fall 1957, spring 1958
The theatre of Sabina Berman : The agony of ecstasy and other plays
The theatre of Sabina Berman : The agony of ecstasy and other plays
A new version of the four gospels
A new version of the four gospels
Young skins
Young skins
Oeuvres complètes de P. Corneille
Oeuvres complètes de P. Corneille
The book of not
The book of not
Picture personalities
Picture personalities
Sul valore storico del poema lucaneo
Sul valore storico del poema lucaneo
Mekhanizm, ili, Stoposlozhenīe rossīĭskago stikhotvorstva
Mekhanizm, ili, Stoposlozhenīe rossīĭskago stikhotvorstva
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol
Le paquebot Tenacity
Le paquebot Tenacity