Books in "Literary Fiction"

Morbus Ts©œm©œr critice illustratus
Morbus Ts©œm©œr critice illustratus
War in Our Time
War in Our Time
Wielding the pen
Wielding the pen
Les crustacés
Les crustacés
Women as subjects
Women as subjects
Ueber Aristophanes Wolken
Ueber Aristophanes Wolken
Sarah et moi
Sarah et moi
Andrew Marvell tercentenary celebrations at Hull
Andrew Marvell tercentenary celebrations at Hull
When blackbirdssing
When blackbirdssing
Tender Medicine
Tender Medicine
Where the blue begins.
Where the blue begins.
Sur la suppression des chapitres de femmes
Sur la suppression des chapitres de femmes
The age
The age
Küng in conflict
Küng in conflict
Feed my sheep
Feed my sheep
Grand Opera House, London, Ontario
Grand Opera House, London, Ontario
The old Army game
The old Army game
A William March omnibus.
A William March omnibus.
The majesty of Grace
The majesty of Grace
Hidden Treasures in Literature
Hidden Treasures in Literature
Fragments from German prose writers
Fragments from German prose writers
A welcome: original contributions in poetry and prose
A welcome: original contributions in poetry and prose
Bonheur, es-tu là ?
Bonheur, es-tu là ?
Looking back
Looking back
Sovremennye geroi i geroini
Sovremennye geroi i geroini
Prosa vil.
Prosa vil.
Island of Leprosy
Island of Leprosy
San shi liu ji
San shi liu ji
Cries from the heart
Cries from the heart
Sochineniia Mikhaila Dmitrievicha Chulkova
Sochineniia Mikhaila Dmitrievicha Chulkova
Threescore years and ten
Threescore years and ten
Moderne Orthop©Þdik
Moderne Orthop©Þdik
New Bedford, Massachusetts
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Laguna Verde
Laguna Verde
Writer's choice
Writer's choice
Arthur Carryl
Arthur Carryl
Man and wife
Man and wife
Cardiphonia; or, The utterance of the heart, in the course of a real correspondence. With an ...
Cardiphonia; or, The utterance of the heart, in the course of a real correspondence. With an ...