Books in "Literary Fiction"

The mysterious mistress
The mysterious mistress
The higher education
The higher education
Valise grise
Valise grise
Louis Muhlstock
Louis Muhlstock
The Dirty River
The Dirty River
Poverty and plenty on the Turkish farm
Poverty and plenty on the Turkish farm
Old Hemlock
Old Hemlock
Belle et grave
Belle et grave
Virgin territory
Virgin territory
Conflict of loyalty
Conflict of loyalty
To Hell and Almost Back
To Hell and Almost Back
You and me
You and me
The great movies
The great movies
Time and Change (The Complete Writings of John Burroughs)
Time and Change (The Complete Writings of John Burroughs)
Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant
Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant
The candle of the Lord
The candle of the Lord
Harford Thachers
Harford Thachers
Blood sisters
Blood sisters
La page blanche
La page blanche
Bringing progress to paradise
Bringing progress to paradise
Seeded light
Seeded light
My tiny life
My tiny life
Town life among the poorest
Town life among the poorest
Irish women's fiction
Irish women's fiction
Pagine sparse.
Pagine sparse.
Feng kuang, jing kong he beng kui
Feng kuang, jing kong he beng kui
The Horse Talker
The Horse Talker
Métal mélodie
Métal mélodie
Durham villages
Durham villages
Dysgu gofalu =
Dysgu gofalu =
Love and courage
Love and courage
Tout est sous contrôle
Tout est sous contrôle
Rays of remembrance, or Words of golden cheer
Rays of remembrance, or Words of golden cheer
[Letter to] Dear Br Phelps
[Letter to] Dear Br Phelps
Ghaddar the Ghoul and Other Palestinian Stories
Ghaddar the Ghoul and Other Palestinian Stories
Early reminiscHences
Early reminiscHences
Cassel's dependable seeds
Cassel's dependable seeds