Gesammelte Schriften.
My Exuberant Voyage
Mao Dun juan.
Slon i Marusʹka
Back to Back's Little Black Paper Back Book
To Live Again
Il Malmantile racquistato
Sobre meninos e lobos
Guide de la route
Stille Post in Kleind
The American war
Lister Ward
Xian dai shi jue zhong de guo xue
The forgotten senses
Collector's Compass
La présociologie haïtienne
The taming
L'isola degli incanti
Garden Voices
The devil you know
Faction and parliament
Read Me
The gift of friendship
To air is human
Aernout Mik
New futures
L'isola che c'è
Der Alkohol ein Völkergift
The mandarin syndrome
Strangers and Beggars
Inter ocean
Perdue dans foret
A pair of blue eyes
Ha Ha
Focus on Opiates
When Pathways Cross
The two noble kinsmen
Testament Newydd ein harglwydd a'n hiachawdwr Iesu Grist
Albert and Albertine