Books in "Literary Fiction"

Shakspere's Hamlet
Shakspere's Hamlet
Das Gleichnis vom verlorenen Sohn
Das Gleichnis vom verlorenen Sohn
The embargo v. the gun
The embargo v. the gun
Mooie stukken
Mooie stukken
Strange ailments, uncertain cures
Strange ailments, uncertain cures
El priista que todos llevamos dentro
El priista que todos llevamos dentro
Round dance and other plays
Round dance and other plays
Best of intentions
Best of intentions
Das deutschthum Rochester's
Das deutschthum Rochester's
Deutschland über alles
Deutschland über alles
The migratory worker and family life.
The migratory worker and family life.
A history of English literature
A history of English literature
Kleine Geschichte der lateinamerikanischen Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert
Kleine Geschichte der lateinamerikanischen Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert
Sorting at the park
Sorting at the park
The parish priest
The parish priest
Le grand coup de filet des E tats-ge ne raux
Le grand coup de filet des E tats-ge ne raux
Christian and Jew
Christian and Jew
Teatro completo
Teatro completo
No laggards we
No laggards we
Série B
Série B
Political essays
Political essays
Children of the revels
Children of the revels
Journal of a Lifetime
Journal of a Lifetime
Cabbage syndrome
Cabbage syndrome
What The Dead Men Say
What The Dead Men Say
Gold seeking
Gold seeking
La pêche
La pêche
Extra-papillary colobomata
Extra-papillary colobomata
A Question of Character
A Question of Character
Greentown glass
Greentown glass
Literary studies
Literary studies
Pov©Øidky malostransk©♭
Pov©Øidky malostransk©♭
The girl in a swing
The girl in a swing
Franz Jung
Franz Jung
The yellow sheets
The yellow sheets
In our way
In our way
El espía de la lluvia
El espía de la lluvia
Poor Caroline
Poor Caroline