El marido de mi mujer
De la bronchite plastique
Cattle inspection
The British citizen
Roses after Rain
The Carmen Miranda memorial flagpole
The Works of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes
Beautiful Losers - Chronicles of Taradiddle
Shakespearian comedy and other studies
The dish
Deep-sea plunderings.
We come from South Africa
My world is an island
Memory and manuscript
Jestem komunistyczną babą!
"La ciclón"
Banthưk sūantūa Sō̜. Sō̜. Rō̜. bư̄angnā-bư̄anglang kwā čhapen ratthathammanūn chabap prachāchon
Anchoring in rock
Go forward
Li abecés par ekivoche et li significations des lettres
Jin yu shi dai
Italy from Dante to Tasso, 1300-1600
His Only Son
The woman thou gavest me
Roses and thorns
Christian indignation
Zhongguo jing ji da xi pai
Dang wo tan pao bu shi, wo tan xie shen me
Whatever Happened to the Post-Apartheid Moment?
Mum for Amy
Perspectives on reading
The English novel in the time of Shakespeare
The four faces of freedom
Stenen voor een ransuil
Around the banks of Pimlico
Writers at the Movies
Mrs. Brown's Scrapbook
Solemnia verba, ultima palavra da sciencia, o x de todos os problemas do coração