Books in "Literary Fiction"

Wo men shi zhong qian shou lü xing
Wo men shi zhong qian shou lü xing
Friedel and Crafts' reaction-
Friedel and Crafts' reaction-
Hai zhong jiu lao
Hai zhong jiu lao
Les signes du temps
Les signes du temps
On two frontiers
On two frontiers
Country parsons, country poets
Country parsons, country poets
The ripening seed
The ripening seed
L'oro basso
L'oro basso
Lightning and the electricity of the air
Lightning and the electricity of the air
Children's Rooms
Children's Rooms
Corki marionetek
Corki marionetek
Masters of deception
Masters of deception
El Kaide
El Kaide
The zealous intruders
The zealous intruders
Around  Picture  Rocks
Around Picture Rocks
Taking sides.
Taking sides.
The Invisible Way
The Invisible Way
To live again
To live again
Le don en héritage
Le don en héritage
Untersuchungen zu Chaucer
Untersuchungen zu Chaucer
A Good-night in America
A Good-night in America
Open Highways
Open Highways
Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft
Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft
[Letter to] Dear Friend Garrison
[Letter to] Dear Friend Garrison
Ḳōṣova ṣaḥrāsi mev'iẓasi
Ḳōṣova ṣaḥrāsi mev'iẓasi
Inverni lontani
Inverni lontani
The finishing touches
The finishing touches
For love & money
For love & money
Bates family
Bates family
L'Obstacle imprévu, ou, L'obstacle sans obstacle
L'Obstacle imprévu, ou, L'obstacle sans obstacle
Dog's World
Dog's World
Le complexe d'Évangéline
Le complexe d'Évangéline
Poets Are Eaten As A Delicacy In Japan
Poets Are Eaten As A Delicacy In Japan
Famous Elizabethan Plays: Expurgated and Adapted for Modern Readers
Famous Elizabethan Plays: Expurgated and Adapted for Modern Readers
More the Merrier
More the Merrier
Women in families
Women in families
1933 Santa Maria Bulb Gardens
1933 Santa Maria Bulb Gardens
Principles and method in the study of English literature
Principles and method in the study of English literature
Temple reflections
Temple reflections