Books in "Literary Fiction"

Het parfum
Het parfum
Men, women, and colleges
Men, women, and colleges
Wounded souls
Wounded souls
Librairie C.O. Beauchemin & fils : 256 et 258, rue Saint-Paul, Montréal (Canada)
Librairie C.O. Beauchemin & fils : 256 et 258, rue Saint-Paul, Montréal (Canada)
As long as there is love
As long as there is love
Cakes and ale
Cakes and ale
Le Grazie
Le Grazie
Winter Weepies
Winter Weepies
'Zoo heerlijk eenvoudig'
'Zoo heerlijk eenvoudig'
Poetry and truth in Robert Browning's The ring and the book
Poetry and truth in Robert Browning's The ring and the book
Tales from the Welsh hills.
Tales from the Welsh hills.
Racial decay
Racial decay
If you listen really hard, God will tell you stories
If you listen really hard, God will tell you stories
The Rise of socialist fiction 1880-1914
The Rise of socialist fiction 1880-1914
Victories in the Amazon
Victories in the Amazon
Observations on the pingos
Observations on the pingos
Godfrey Morgan: a Californian mystery.
Godfrey Morgan: a Californian mystery.
Acadian magazines
Acadian magazines
De ware aard
De ware aard
Nick & Slim
Nick & Slim
Cong ming de xiao tu
Cong ming de xiao tu
Morir pensando matar y La vida en el Ataúd
Morir pensando matar y La vida en el Ataúd
The metropolitan community of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerias, Brazil
The metropolitan community of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerias, Brazil
Solʹ zhizni
Solʹ zhizni
Les soirées de Londres.
Les soirées de Londres.
Musa burschicosa
Musa burschicosa
Prima Donna
Prima Donna
Dʹi͡a︡kov Vladimir Anatolʹevich
Dʹi͡a︡kov Vladimir Anatolʹevich
La gardienne du phare
La gardienne du phare
Translations From The Flesh
Translations From The Flesh
Copia di lettera scritta da N.N.
Copia di lettera scritta da N.N.
Seventeenth-century prose and poetry
Seventeenth-century prose and poetry
On temporary albuminuria
On temporary albuminuria
Estudios cerventinos
Estudios cerventinos
Down Jersey
Down Jersey
Brooklyn three
Brooklyn three
A Tale of two islands
A Tale of two islands
Changing Earth
Changing Earth
Mémoire composé de la plaidoirie de T.J.J. Loranger, C.R.: un des substituts du procureug-r#B2en ...
Mémoire composé de la plaidoirie de T.J.J. Loranger, C.R.: un des substituts du procureug-r#B2en ...
Apricots from Chernobyl
Apricots from Chernobyl