Books in "Literary Fiction"

The fair Lavinia, and others
The fair Lavinia, and others
Women Priests
Women Priests
Trois sucettes a la menthe
Trois sucettes a la menthe
Zong you ren yao ying, wei shi me bu neng shi ni
Zong you ren yao ying, wei shi me bu neng shi ni
Places for the arts
Places for the arts
Just Call Me an Angel
Just Call Me an Angel
All around the house
All around the house
Family and Party Games
Family and Party Games
Les caméléons
Les caméléons
Ji xie zhi tu xi ti ji
Ji xie zhi tu xi ti ji
Works; 8 Vols Heron Books Edition, Partial Set
Works; 8 Vols Heron Books Edition, Partial Set
The Bird of Happiness
The Bird of Happiness
Flower seeds for summer sowing
Flower seeds for summer sowing
Song from the forest
Song from the forest
Mei jun jiao guan bi ji
Mei jun jiao guan bi ji
Twentieth century interpretations of Poe's tales
Twentieth century interpretations of Poe's tales
Women's Decameron
Women's Decameron
Crossroads at San Felipe
Crossroads at San Felipe
Wheel within wheel.
Wheel within wheel.
Rubén Darío, modernismo
Rubén Darío, modernismo
Sahara road
Sahara road
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Shattered Dreams Broken Promises
Shattered Dreams Broken Promises
Sufficient Grace
Sufficient Grace
The Dance of the Dolphin
The Dance of the Dolphin
Born to Love, Cursed to Feel
Born to Love, Cursed to Feel
Meng huan zhong de lan se
Meng huan zhong de lan se
Airs and Graces
Airs and Graces
The crowded house
The crowded house
The last fory years
The last fory years
Fade to Grey
Fade to Grey
Cleft Lip & Palate
Cleft Lip & Palate
The tunnel.
The tunnel.
Le rouge et le noir de Stendhal
Le rouge et le noir de Stendhal
Life as we have known it
Life as we have known it
Persius enucleatus, sive, Commentarius exactissimus & maxime perspicuus in Persium poetarum omnium difficilimum
Persius enucleatus, sive, Commentarius exactissimus & maxime perspicuus in Persium poetarum omnium difficilimum