Interpretazioni musicali sul teatro di Aristofane
Children of the Future
Charles Barnes & G. Clifford Noble
Le séminaire de Bordeaux
Xie zai zi ye
Natural beauty
The golden Christmas
Brittle Glory
My declaration of independence
The wheel and the cross
The American family
Once Upon a Fastball
The old and the new
The Rule of Carmel
Grace Barclay's diary
Standing naked
La passagère
Festiua pompa, culto religioso, veneracion reuerente, fiesta, aclamacion, y aplauso
Drifting and steering
L'être humain cesse d'être humain
Price list
Xiang he ben yi yang zuo nu^ ren
The border hearth.
The two Sosias
Mon amie américaine
Du bist mein ...
Out on the world ...
School of the woods
Literatur in den Massenmedien, Demontage von Dichtung?
Diabétiquement vôtre
Big and Bright
Sister Carrie
Œuvres complètes de Casimir Delavigne ...
We Americans
Mary Barker
Flashlights on Chinese life
A book of hours
Lin yu tang san wen jing pin wen ku
Geerarsa folksong as the Oromo national literature