Books in "Literary Fiction"

Tai wan wen hua shou li
Tai wan wen hua shou li
How the war in the streets is won
How the war in the streets is won
On life & letters
On life & letters
Phi sigma kappa
Phi sigma kappa
Rules and regulations of the Quebec Benevolent Society
Rules and regulations of the Quebec Benevolent Society
[Letter to] Dear Mr. May
[Letter to] Dear Mr. May
People of the whirlpool
People of the whirlpool
Allgemeine Literatur-zeitung
Allgemeine Literatur-zeitung
Uncollected stories of William Faulkner
Uncollected stories of William Faulkner
The yarn of the love sick Parsee
The yarn of the love sick Parsee
The Woolacombe bird
The Woolacombe bird
Women and the Knife
Women and the Knife
Born too soon
Born too soon
Sag mir, o Hund, wo der Hund begraben liegt
Sag mir, o Hund, wo der Hund begraben liegt
The Pacific
The Pacific
Les contes du griot
Les contes du griot
A Raging Calm
A Raging Calm
La chaumiere
La chaumiere
The man who lost America
The man who lost America
Never Mind the Laptops
Never Mind the Laptops
Stand Up and Fight
Stand Up and Fight
Untersuchungen zu den Mimiamben des Herondas...
Untersuchungen zu den Mimiamben des Herondas...
The student and the body-snatcher and other trifles
The student and the body-snatcher and other trifles
Camões e Os Lusiadas, ensaio historico-critico-litterario.
Camões e Os Lusiadas, ensaio historico-critico-litterario.
Career Misconduct
Career Misconduct
Ma Babouche Pour Toujours
Ma Babouche Pour Toujours
The crocodile man
The crocodile man
The New English Books
The New English Books
Avis important
Avis important
Observationes ad scholia in Homeri Odysseam
Observationes ad scholia in Homeri Odysseam
A hooded crow
A hooded crow
Gao zhong gu shi wen zhu yi ping dian
Gao zhong gu shi wen zhu yi ping dian
The $30,000 Bequest
The $30,000 Bequest
Spring Snow
Spring Snow
Left for Dead
Left for Dead
The gulf between us
The gulf between us
Kod Shekspira
Kod Shekspira
The laughing tradition
The laughing tradition