La reine de la nuit
Souvenir for the St. Patrick's Day centennial celebration.
Trou de mémoire (Bibliothèque québécoise. Littérature)
Correspondance inédite avec M. et Mme Juste Olivier
Old Bill
Syllabus of a course of six lectures on poetry and romance in New England
Women in love
Running Bear
El cancionero catalan
Literary taste--how to form it
The coming quake
Ikebukuro West Gate Park II
Reading critics reading
Johann Ladislav Pyrker's sämmtliche werke.
Redeemer's praise
uvres de J. Racine ...
How to Par the 19th Hole
Memoire a consulter
Luo ri wu hun
¿Qué te pasa, Julio?
Little comrade
Trial of John Donald Merrett
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Elizabeth Hitchener.
Pretty little presents
The Friendly Visitor
Le bapteme d'une race
The christening
The marvelous companion
Challenge and change
Parent's Night
The Brightest Star in the Sky
French essays and profiles
The Living Age ...
Enemies of aspen
What's What
S li͡u︡bovʹi͡u︡ i pechalʹi͡u︡
Years like brief days
DID I Hear You Write ?
Yu jia yu yin shi