The American newspaper.
Unser reichsrathswahlrecht und die Taaffe'sche wahlvorlage.
Three Middle English Charlemagne romances
Post-communist transformations
Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, Nevada
The Holy See and the nascent church in the Middle Western United States, 1826-1850
Day of infamy.
Papers relative to hospitals in China
Po povodu prisoedinenii͡a Tveri k Moskvi͡e i uchastii͡a tverskikh boi͡ar v ėtom sobytii
The Blades of Cordoba
La faustina
The mammoth book of battles
Weimar & Nazi Germany
The journey of eleven moons
In the boyhood of Lincoln
[Report 1969]
A century in crisis
Usum corticis salicis fragilis variis in morbis, praecipue in febribus putridis ...
Epistvlæ et chartæ ad historiam primi belli sacri spectantes qvæ svpersvnt ævo æqvales ac gevinæ.
Correspondance entre Sa Grâce l'archevêque de Québec et l'Hon. M. le procureur général Ouimet au sujet de la prescription de la rétroactivité dans les loi
The Mormon trials at Salt Lake City
Highwaymen and brigands
In fair Silesia.
[Report 1947]
Collections of the New-York Historical Society ...
Loi relative a la fourniture du tabac aux matelots
The protection of labor in soviet Russia
The Anglo-German commercial and colonial rivalry as a cause of the great war
List of fixtures, 1894
President's message
[Report 1963]
Hospital and asylum architecture in England, 1840-1914
Cadastre ge ne ral de la France
First Claim
Report of the Secretary of Agriculture - 1906
Dr. Ross and Bishop Colenso
Women and war
The South vindicated from the treason and fanaticism of the northern abolitionists.