Books in "Historical Novel"

The early Roman episcopate
The early Roman episcopate
Account of the monastic treasures confiscated at the dissolution of the various houses in England
Account of the monastic treasures confiscated at the dissolution of the various houses in England
Knyaz Svyatoslav
Knyaz Svyatoslav
Mandement de Monseigneur Bourget, évêque de Montréal, publiant l'encyclique de N.S.P. le pape Pie IX. concernant le jubilé
Mandement de Monseigneur Bourget, évêque de Montréal, publiant l'encyclique de N.S.P. le pape Pie IX. concernant le jubilé
The Crime of the Congo
The Crime of the Congo
Poland: between the hammer and the anvil.
Poland: between the hammer and the anvil.
Her Majesties most gracious speech to both houses of Parliament..
Her Majesties most gracious speech to both houses of Parliament..
Save jars now for 1944 canning
Save jars now for 1944 canning
El Concordato de 1953.
El Concordato de 1953.
The 1930s
The 1930s
Reform rule in Czechoslovakia
Reform rule in Czechoslovakia
DDR Handbuch
DDR Handbuch
Annuæ literæ Societatis Iesu, anni M.DC.LII. Alexandro Gottifredo. Præposito Generali societatem gubernante usq[ue] ad 12. Martij. Deinde Goswino Nickel in Præpositum Generalem electo
Annuæ literæ Societatis Iesu, anni M.DC.LII. Alexandro Gottifredo. Præposito Generali societatem gubernante usq[ue] ad 12. Martij. Deinde Goswino Nickel in Præpositum Generalem electo
Doctrines politiques et structures ecclésiastiques dans l'Occident médiéval
Doctrines politiques et structures ecclésiastiques dans l'Occident médiéval
Jewish history ethically presented
Jewish history ethically presented
Report on the mines known in the eastern division of Hayti, and the facilities of working them
Report on the mines known in the eastern division of Hayti, and the facilities of working them
Ce que femme veut
Ce que femme veut
Treasures of the heart
Treasures of the heart
Le soldat de la République
Le soldat de la République
The Bondman, A New Saga
The Bondman, A New Saga
Essai sur l'histoire de la civilisation en Russie
Essai sur l'histoire de la civilisation en Russie
Kellogg's 1956 spring catalog
Kellogg's 1956 spring catalog
Arzneikunst und Alchemie im siebzehnten Jahrhundert
Arzneikunst und Alchemie im siebzehnten Jahrhundert
Michigan governors
Michigan governors
The true Chatterton
The true Chatterton
Old Paths and Legends of the New England Border: Connecticut, Deerfield ...
Old Paths and Legends of the New England Border: Connecticut, Deerfield ...
Arrest de la Cour du Parlement de Toulouse
Arrest de la Cour du Parlement de Toulouse
Ad M. Vincium, libri duo
Ad M. Vincium, libri duo
The Britannia diaries, 1863-1875
The Britannia diaries, 1863-1875
Laudes regiae
Laudes regiae
The concealed coalfield of Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire
The concealed coalfield of Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire
Die Russen in Centralasien.
Die Russen in Centralasien.
Comentarios sobre la cuestion de Méjico
Comentarios sobre la cuestion de Méjico
Highland Solution
Highland Solution
[Report 1904]
[Report 1904]
Memorias histórico-políticas de Don Vicente Pazos...
Memorias histórico-políticas de Don Vicente Pazos...
September peony price list, issued September 1st, 1923
September peony price list, issued September 1st, 1923
The son of York
The son of York
EDGE : Action Force : World War II
EDGE : Action Force : World War II
Décisions des orateurs de l'Assemblée législative de la province de Québec, 1867-1901
Décisions des orateurs de l'Assemblée législative de la province de Québec, 1867-1901