Tales of Algeria
Memories of two wars
A suggestion as to the most feasible plan by which to preserve to posterity the house in which Abraham Lincoln died ...
[Lettre justificative d'Alphonse Villeneuve au Cardinal Franchi]
Archiv für die Geschichte Liv-, Esth-, und Curlands
The experienced English housekeeper
Un médecin des lumières
Horrendous history
C.F. Bennett's letters on Confederation, the fisheries, &c., &c.
The emigrant's guide to Upper Canada; or, Sketches of the present state of that province
Debats des communes, troisieme session, quatrieme parlement
Newport News, Virginia, 1607-1960.
Military architecture in England during the Middle Ages.
Grand vocal and instrumental concert in aid of St. James' Church, Westminster will be held in the city hall on Wednesday evening, September 30, 1874
Die ersten Wanderprediger Frankreichs. Studien zur Geschichte des Mönchtums : Teil I. Robert von Arbrissel
The perfect tribute
The shaping of the American past
The story of Waterloo; or, The fall of Napoleon
Life in the shadows of the Crystal Palace, 1910-1927
Bulletin de la Societe Academique de Laon.Tome XI
Historia pestis. Das ist: Wahrheit-Gemässe Nachricht von der Natur und Cur der Pest
Extracts of letters from poor persons who emigrated last year to Canada and the United States
The saga of the buffalo
A administração colonial: trabalho precedido de uma carta do Ex.mo Sr. Conselheiro Marianno de ...
A tribute to Lincoln
Le livre des rois
Fireboats of New York
Zamelbukh far Beytarisher yugend
Regulations for the army of the United States, 1910.
Extension Service staff conference, July 5, 1944
[Report 1967]
Bunyan's country
The navy in the war of 1739-48
Pe tition des citoyens domicilie s a Paris
Empire of Alexander the Great
A bill to be entitled An act to provide for auditing and paying for horses and equipments taken from dismounted cavalrymen for the use of the government.
The Fenian raid!! ; The Queen's own!
Tableau de comparaison entre les nouvelles et les anciennes mesures agraires, pour toutes les ...
The People's war
Ancient Mexico
The Grand Babylon Hotel.
Going to America (Anchor)