Books in "Historical Novel"

The Jersey herd at the World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893.
The Jersey herd at the World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893.
The story of Ireland
The story of Ireland
The government and laws of New Hampshire before the establishment of the province. 1623-1679.
The government and laws of New Hampshire before the establishment of the province. 1623-1679.
Scottish society in the fifteenth century
Scottish society in the fifteenth century
Historical sketch of the Jews
Historical sketch of the Jews
Extrait des registres
Extrait des registres
Wende Golfkrieg
Wende Golfkrieg
Selections from Layamon's Brut
Selections from Layamon's Brut
The passions of the mind
The passions of the mind
Universidad y sociedad en la Expaña moderna
Universidad y sociedad en la Expaña moderna
Life in a Medieval Castle (Gatekeeper)
Life in a Medieval Castle (Gatekeeper)
Opening a highway to the Pacific, 1838-1846.
Opening a highway to the Pacific, 1838-1846.
De bello Peloponnesiaco.  Libri octo
De bello Peloponnesiaco. Libri octo
You never know your luck
You never know your luck
La Comtesse de Charny
La Comtesse de Charny
Dvizhenīe russkago grazhdanskago prot͡sessa.
Dvizhenīe russkago grazhdanskago prot͡sessa.
L'affaire du collier
L'affaire du collier
Die englischen Landarbeiter in den letzten hundert Jahren und die Einhegungen.
Die englischen Landarbeiter in den letzten hundert Jahren und die Einhegungen.
Alaska Gold
Alaska Gold
The Victorian, Act IV
The Victorian, Act IV
Carry me home
Carry me home
[Report 1929]
[Report 1929]
Hot wings of Desert Storm
Hot wings of Desert Storm
Streets, railroads, and the Great Strike of 1877
Streets, railroads, and the Great Strike of 1877
Mount Sorel; or, The heiress of the De Veres, by the author of the 'Two old men's tales'.
Mount Sorel; or, The heiress of the De Veres, by the author of the 'Two old men's tales'.
La France et la Prusse responsables devant l'Europe
La France et la Prusse responsables devant l'Europe
An exposure of the shameful religious persecutions, suffered by Rev. A. Pickens and others
An exposure of the shameful religious persecutions, suffered by Rev. A. Pickens and others
The claim jumpers
The claim jumpers
History of the Northmen: Or, Danes and Normans, from the Earliest Times to the Conquest of ...
History of the Northmen: Or, Danes and Normans, from the Earliest Times to the Conquest of ...
Russko-i͡aponskai͡a voĭna
Russko-i͡aponskai͡a voĭna
Log of the Centurion, based on the original papers of Captain Philip Saumarez on board HMS Centurion, Lord Anson's flagship during his circumnavigation, 1740-44.
Log of the Centurion, based on the original papers of Captain Philip Saumarez on board HMS Centurion, Lord Anson's flagship during his circumnavigation, 1740-44.
Orders for escorting to Headquarters under guard the following soldiers, Sergeant Pripp, Sergeant Hatheway, Corporal Seers, and Corporal Gray by order of Major. General. Heath
Orders for escorting to Headquarters under guard the following soldiers, Sergeant Pripp, Sergeant Hatheway, Corporal Seers, and Corporal Gray by order of Major. General. Heath
The bronze bow.
The bronze bow.
Guy of Warwick and other chapbook romances
Guy of Warwick and other chapbook romances
The Russians and Berlin, 1945
The Russians and Berlin, 1945
Lu bin xun piao liu ji
Lu bin xun piao liu ji
Steel rails and iron horses
Steel rails and iron horses
All the Tea in China
All the Tea in China
Réponse de Borie-Cambort, membre du Conseil des cinq-cents, à l'imprimé que François Fournier, ci-devant chef d'escadron, a fait distribuer le 25 du courant
Réponse de Borie-Cambort, membre du Conseil des cinq-cents, à l'imprimé que François Fournier, ci-devant chef d'escadron, a fait distribuer le 25 du courant
Célébration du 200e anniversaire de la fondation du Séminaire de Québec, 30 avril, 1863 ...
Célébration du 200e anniversaire de la fondation du Séminaire de Québec, 30 avril, 1863 ...
Elémens d'histoire générale
Elémens d'histoire générale