E. P. Roe
Jo. Jac. Chiffletii De linteis sepulchralibus Christi Servatoris crisis historica
The history of South Carolina under the proprietary government, 1670-1719
Representative young Irish-Americans of Troy, N. Y.
Sentence rendue en l'Officialite de Paris, portant condamnation de la traduction du Breviaire romain en langue franc ʹois
To Appomattox
Memoirs of the Marstons of Salem
Die Kreisordnungen für den Preussischen Staat
The Druid
Lives of fair and gallant ladies
Fuero general de Navarra
The history of Greece.
Over the range to the Golden Gate.
Colonization of the western coast of Africa
Rapport fait a l'Assemble e nationale sur l'e tat du camp de Chalons, le 19 septembre 1792
Siege of Quebec on 31st December, 1775
68', révolutions dans le genre?
A family madness
Old landmarks and historic personages of Boston
Bruder Cadfael und der Ketzerlehrling
King Henry the Fifth
O trafico da escravatura, e o bill de lord Palmerston
Syezd arkheologov i antropologov v Prage s 25-28 maia nov. stilia 1912 g.
Plymouth an Illustrated History
[Report 1938]
A bill to be entitled An act for the relief of Leach & Avery
Lives and legends of Saint Brendan the Voyager
[Report 1939]
In Shakspere's England
Chicago Antiquities: Comprising Original Items and Relations, Letters, Extracts, and Notes ...
Tales of the argonauts
Student Missionary Campaign, 1895
Index to the Times newspaper, 1894
History of the Cathedral church of Wells
Gladiolus spring 1953
Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, Virginia
A Sketch of Chinese History
When, where, why & how it happened
The Arab's pledge
Report of the Woman's Auxiliary and Parochial Society