The position of Canada in relation to annexation, secession or independence and imperial federation
Historique du 7e régiment d'infanterie, 1569-1890 ...
Les contrebandiers
The power of images in the Age of Augustus
Solving the mysteries of the pyramids
The flower of battle
[Report 1941]
Les armes et armures
An account of the history of stranger's fever in Charleston, 1699-1876
Simon Peter
Loi relative a la de couverte des deux fre gates franc ʹoises la Boussole & l'Astrolabe, commande es par M. de la Pe rouse
[Report 1949]
Gazophylacium medico-physicum, oder Schatz-Kammer medicinisch- und natürlicher Dinge ... in einer ... lateinischen Alphabet-Ordnung ... vorgestellet ...
The Pentagon Papers
Annals of the town of Providence, from its first settlement, to the organization of the city government, in June, 1832
Histoire de Ned Evans
A woman of the ice age
[Letter to Caroline Weston?]
Camden, a frontier town in eighteenth century South Carolina
Great Lakes and Great Ships
The age of invention
The Quebec almanac and British American royal kalendar for the year 1815
Le Théâtre d'amour au 18e sìecle.
Social struggles in antiquity.
Der verborgene Garten
The story of the Pullman car
John Brown among the Quakers
La maja
The Liberators
A lecture on African colonization
Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce
The Spanish-American War, 1898
Pioneer narratives of the firty twenty-five years of Kansas history.
The history of the primitive church
From the fury of the Northmen
The Jesuit relations and allied documents
The Pasquier chronicles
Blackout in the Blitz
Die Frau im altfranzoesiscen Karls-Epos
Died, in Covington, on the 8th October, 1861, at half-past 5 P.M., Mary Emily, infant daughter of Isaac and Charlotte Evans ...