Outlines of the constitution of the British government in India.
Etruscan Italy
A short history of Ireland
The Land of Sunshine: November, 1901, Vol. 15 No. 5
The wolf of the Kremlin
Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish agent
Silent and true, or, A little queen
[Report 1916]
Bournemouth: 1810-1910, the history of a modern health and pleasure resort
Recueil des chartes, créations, confirmations et colonel, capitaines, major, officiers et trois cens archers de la ville de Paris
L'Amérique septentrionale et les Peaux-Rouges
Beyond hope's valley
The boy settlers
Her Senator: A Novel
The Reagan defense program
De cret de la Convention nationale, du 28e. jour de nivo se, an second [17 January 1794] de la Re publique franc ʹaise, une et indivisible, relatif aux fabricans des papiers et proprie taires de papeteries
Vatican splendors
Histoire de Simonide et du siècle où il a vécu
Captain Caution
The navy under the early Stuarts and its influence on English history
The high road to China
Lettres de mmes. de Villars, de La Fayette, de Tencin, de Coulanges, de Ninon de l'Enclos, et de mademoiselle Aïssé
Administrations of Gov. Burnet, Gov. Montgomerie, President Lewis Morris, Gov. Cosby, President Anderson and President Hamilton, 1720-1737
Eminent characters of the English revolutionary period.
Documents relating to the resignation of the Canadian ministry in September, 1854
An Introduction to Modern European History, 1890 - 1990
The man on a donkey
Description historique de l'Italie, en forme de dictionnaire ...
The Coritani.
Semi-centennial Anniversary of the South Congregational Society (Unitarian ...
L' inquisition
Bohemian Paris
The electric city
Appletons' annual cyclopedia and register of important events.
Jesus visits the Nephites
From that place and time
Apteka w getcie krakowskim
El bandolero
A little traitor to the South
The twenty-second annual report of the incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto, for the year ending on the 30th April, 1864