Books in "Historical Novel"

Die Scriptores Historiae Augustae: Andeutungen zur Textes-kritik und Auslegung derselben
Die Scriptores Historiae Augustae: Andeutungen zur Textes-kritik und Auslegung derselben
The Greek world
The Greek world
The summer of '45
The summer of '45
History of the rebellion in Scotland in 1745, 1746.
History of the rebellion in Scotland in 1745, 1746.
Presbyterian year book for the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland
Presbyterian year book for the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland
Jubilee--a pioneer college
Jubilee--a pioneer college
Apperc ʹu sur la constitution de Saint-Domingue
Apperc ʹu sur la constitution de Saint-Domingue
History of the Lackawanna Valley
History of the Lackawanna Valley
De priester
De priester
Per la solenne inaugurazione del monumento eretto alla memoria del celebre maestro Giovanni Simone Mayr
Per la solenne inaugurazione del monumento eretto alla memoria del celebre maestro Giovanni Simone Mayr
Repertorium typographicum. Die deutsche Literatur im ersten Viertel des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts.
Repertorium typographicum. Die deutsche Literatur im ersten Viertel des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts.
Histoire de la glorieuse rentre e des Vaudois dans leurs valees
Histoire de la glorieuse rentre e des Vaudois dans leurs valees
Nouvelles considérations sur la fièvre jaune
Nouvelles considérations sur la fièvre jaune
The hope
The hope
Riding with Coronado; from Pedro de Casteneda's eyewitness account of the exploration of the Southwest, called Relacion de la jornada de Cibola, and including two of Coronado's letters sent from the land of the Pueblos
Riding with Coronado; from Pedro de Casteneda's eyewitness account of the exploration of the Southwest, called Relacion de la jornada de Cibola, and including two of Coronado's letters sent from the land of the Pueblos
The Monroe doctrine
The Monroe doctrine
Courtesans of the Italian Renaissance
Courtesans of the Italian Renaissance
A history of Rhodesia
A history of Rhodesia
Nouvelle collection des mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de France: depuis le XIIIe siècle ...
Nouvelle collection des mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de France: depuis le XIIIe siècle ...
The triumph of Yankee Doodle.
The triumph of Yankee Doodle.
Three years adventures of a minor, in England, Africa, the West Indies, South-Carolina and Georgia
Three years adventures of a minor, in England, Africa, the West Indies, South-Carolina and Georgia
Germany at bay.
Germany at bay.
Macbeth, 1794
Macbeth, 1794
Histoire de la république d'Angleterre et de Cromwell (1649-1658)
Histoire de la république d'Angleterre et de Cromwell (1649-1658)
The thirty-fifth reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, held at Cincinnati, Ohio
The thirty-fifth reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, held at Cincinnati, Ohio
Hélène de Champlain
Hélène de Champlain
Bala Soonderee Tagore : A narrative of the conversion of a Hindoo lady to the Christian religion
Bala Soonderee Tagore : A narrative of the conversion of a Hindoo lady to the Christian religion
A history of England
A history of England
Recit veritable de l'horrible conspiration descouuerte en Hollande
Recit veritable de l'horrible conspiration descouuerte en Hollande
History of Saginaw County, Michigan
History of Saginaw County, Michigan
Masterman ready
Masterman ready
Modern Germany & her historians.
Modern Germany & her historians.
A hundred years of warfare, 1689-1789
A hundred years of warfare, 1689-1789
Under the red robe
Under the red robe
The American anti-slavery society at war with the church.
The American anti-slavery society at war with the church.
Lafayette and the Rustic rambler
Lafayette and the Rustic rambler
Report on the mortality of Edinburgh and Leith, for January-May 1848
Report on the mortality of Edinburgh and Leith, for January-May 1848
Iowa fish and game laws, federal migratory bird regulations and the Lacey bird law (federal law) in force July 4, 1915.
Iowa fish and game laws, federal migratory bird regulations and the Lacey bird law (federal law) in force July 4, 1915.
U.S. Naval Training Station
U.S. Naval Training Station
Gesta abbatum fontanellensium
Gesta abbatum fontanellensium