Books in "Historical Novel"

Manuel des sociétés de tempérance
Manuel des sociétés de tempérance
English life, social and domestic, in the middle of the nineteenth century
English life, social and domestic, in the middle of the nineteenth century
Dell'ingresso e dimora di Vittorio Amedeo Ii de Savoia in palermo e della sua acclamazione a re di Sicilia avvenuta in polizzi e Castronovo (1713-1714) con documenti inediti
Dell'ingresso e dimora di Vittorio Amedeo Ii de Savoia in palermo e della sua acclamazione a re di Sicilia avvenuta in polizzi e Castronovo (1713-1714) con documenti inediti
Modern Spain
Modern Spain
Élémens de l'histoire de France depuis Clovis jusqu'à Louis XV
Élémens de l'histoire de France depuis Clovis jusqu'à Louis XV
The Lost Garden
The Lost Garden
Colección de documentos históricos.
Colección de documentos históricos.
The History of Henry Esmond, Esq.: A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty ...
The History of Henry Esmond, Esq.: A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty ...
Out of the ghetto
Out of the ghetto
The city government of Boston.
The city government of Boston.
Heart's Desire
Heart's Desire
Essai comparé sur les institutions et les lois de la Roumanie depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours
Essai comparé sur les institutions et les lois de la Roumanie depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours
Report of the Board of Health of the City and Port of Philadelphia
Report of the Board of Health of the City and Port of Philadelphia
Result of some researches among the British archives for information relative to the founders of New England: made in years 1858, 1859, and 1860.
Result of some researches among the British archives for information relative to the founders of New England: made in years 1858, 1859, and 1860.
Emigration and colonization
Emigration and colonization
Merchants' Bank of Halifax
Merchants' Bank of Halifax
Lettre de J.P. Brissot a M. Barnave
Lettre de J.P. Brissot a M. Barnave
[Report 1957]
[Report 1957]
Crow-Omaha marital alliances and social transformations
Crow-Omaha marital alliances and social transformations
Chemins de fer a   cre maille  re
Chemins de fer a cre maille re
Jahresbericht .. in den vereinsjahren 1897 ...
Jahresbericht .. in den vereinsjahren 1897 ...
Handbook of Mecklenburg county ...
Handbook of Mecklenburg county ...
Spitfire Girl
Spitfire Girl
Ying xiang Zhongguo di 100 ci zhan zheng (Chongguo 100 xi lie cong shu)
Ying xiang Zhongguo di 100 ci zhan zheng (Chongguo 100 xi lie cong shu)
Hunting Hitler's Nukes
Hunting Hitler's Nukes
Discours prononcé par Monseigneur Ant. Racine, évêque de Sherbrooke, le jour de la St. Jean-Baptiste, le 24 juin, 1880
Discours prononcé par Monseigneur Ant. Racine, évêque de Sherbrooke, le jour de la St. Jean-Baptiste, le 24 juin, 1880
Constitution and bye-laws of the Saint Andrew's Society of Saint John, New Brunswick
Constitution and bye-laws of the Saint Andrew's Society of Saint John, New Brunswick
Memoirs relative to the campaign of 1788, in Sweden.
Memoirs relative to the campaign of 1788, in Sweden.
Nineteen-twelve seed book
Nineteen-twelve seed book
De Galatia provincia romana ...
De Galatia provincia romana ...
Christmas trip 1920, Cleveland, Kansas City, Chicago , St. Louis, Pittsburgh
Christmas trip 1920, Cleveland, Kansas City, Chicago , St. Louis, Pittsburgh
Price list for 1948
Price list for 1948
Epitome ... de urinis. Ejusdem aphorismi
Epitome ... de urinis. Ejusdem aphorismi
Fièvre épidémique à Maurice en 1866-67
Fièvre épidémique à Maurice en 1866-67
Chronologie universelle de la civilisation: ou, histoire de la société ...
Chronologie universelle de la civilisation: ou, histoire de la société ...
Minutes of the ... North Carolina Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church
Minutes of the ... North Carolina Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church
Proceedings and addresses.
Proceedings and addresses.
The first Canadians in France
The first Canadians in France
The charter granted by Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the inhabitants of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England
The charter granted by Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the inhabitants of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England