Readings in American Heritage
Defence of Major General Proctor
The truth about Mr. Darcy
Pirckheimer-studien: Inaug.-diss
Selected articles on independence for the Philippines
WFA to sell condensed milk damaged in fire ... .
First Presbyterian church, Baltimore, Md.
Total war
In Thackeray's London
The Le Mans forgeries; a chapter from the history of church property in the ninth century
Pintura Romanica Panteon Real De San Isi
Tunis, naguère et aujourd'hui
Marriage records and death records 1816-1848
The World War and Its Consequences: Being Lectures in the Course on ...
The life and times of Lucius Cary, Viscount Falkland
Warfare and work, or, Life's progress
The Mysterious Death of Tutankhamun
[Report 1971]
First steps in French history
Churchill's folly
Tenth report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario
Actes, memoires, & autres pieces authentiques concernant la Paix d'Utrecht
Annual report of the Baptist Church, Paris, Ontario, for the year ending 31st Dec. 1889
Season 1893, club grounds, Beacon Hill
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Child
The Byerley Turk
Kratkīĭ istoricheskīĭ ocherk nachala i rasprostranenīi͡a zheli͡eznykh dorog v rossīi po 1897 g. vkli͡uchitelʹno
Insolvent Act of 1875
The Three Musketeers / Twenty Years After
Tribes of the Southern Plains (The American Indians)
List of voters for the township of Caradoc for the year 1887
A lady of Ludovic
Golden lads
Letter to a friend, concerning the building of the Capitol in the city of Washington
Diary of Walter Yonge, esq., justice of the peace, and M.P. for Honiton
The purple robe
Der grosse Krieg in Deutschland
The Agricola and Germany of Tacitus: And the Dialogue on Oratory
Scott's Lady of the lake
L'Allemagne, hier et aujourd'hui, édition revue et augmentée
History of the United States of America