Books in "Historical Novel"

Catalogue of... paintings removed from the Ontario company warehouse, Montreal... sold by order of John Warren...
Catalogue of... paintings removed from the Ontario company warehouse, Montreal... sold by order of John Warren...
Facts and figures, principally relating to railways and commerce
Facts and figures, principally relating to railways and commerce
A letter to the Hon. Henry Clay, on the annexation of Texas to the United States.
A letter to the Hon. Henry Clay, on the annexation of Texas to the United States.
Lady Inger of Östrat / The Vikings at Helgeland / The Pretenders (Ibsen's Prose Dramas, Vol. III)
Lady Inger of Östrat / The Vikings at Helgeland / The Pretenders (Ibsen's Prose Dramas, Vol. III)
Souvenir programme of the inaugural of Theodore Roosevelt, March 4, 1905.
Souvenir programme of the inaugural of Theodore Roosevelt, March 4, 1905.
Records of Buckinghamshire, Or, Papers and Notes on the History, Antiquities ...
Records of Buckinghamshire, Or, Papers and Notes on the History, Antiquities ...
Della Sicilia di Filippo Parvta descritta con medaglie, parte prima
Della Sicilia di Filippo Parvta descritta con medaglie, parte prima
Historic Hants County
Historic Hants County
Lincoln, the world emancipator
Lincoln, the world emancipator
Parliament of religion
Parliament of religion
Anweisung zur Bek©Þmpfung des Fleckfiebers (Flecktyphus)
Anweisung zur Bek©Þmpfung des Fleckfiebers (Flecktyphus)
Der Emes ṿegen Palesṭina
Der Emes ṿegen Palesṭina
Change and continuity in twentieth century America: the 1920's.
Change and continuity in twentieth century America: the 1920's.
Die Familie Buchholz
Die Familie Buchholz
The Last Buccaneer
The Last Buccaneer
La tarja de Potosí.
La tarja de Potosí.
The Hock-tide observance at Hexton in Hertfordshire
The Hock-tide observance at Hexton in Hertfordshire
One hundred shining candles
One hundred shining candles
A peep into the early history of India
A peep into the early history of India
The young traders
The young traders
Gilbert, of Colchester
Gilbert, of Colchester
The acts and negotiations, together with the particular articles at large of the general peace, concluded at Ryswick, by the most illustrious confederates with the French king
The acts and negotiations, together with the particular articles at large of the general peace, concluded at Ryswick, by the most illustrious confederates with the French king
The lion and the unicorn
The lion and the unicorn
Hr. Folkethingsmand Berg of hans Optræden ved Mødet i Kolding den 20de Juli 1873
Hr. Folkethingsmand Berg of hans Optræden ved Mødet i Kolding den 20de Juli 1873
Histoire de l'Eglise du Mans
Histoire de l'Eglise du Mans
What Are the Consequences of Vietnam
What Are the Consequences of Vietnam
De romanarum tribuum origine ac propagatione
De romanarum tribuum origine ac propagatione
The Roman and the Teuton
The Roman and the Teuton
"The Port" remembers
"The Port" remembers
Voices from the Second World War
Voices from the Second World War
Rowley Regis parish register with index.
Rowley Regis parish register with index.
Der Prozess Heinrichs des Löwen
Der Prozess Heinrichs des Löwen
Report on the epidemic cholera as it has appeared in the territories subject to the Presidency of Fort St. George ...
Report on the epidemic cholera as it has appeared in the territories subject to the Presidency of Fort St. George ...
[Co]nstitution and laws of the [Loya]l Orange Association of British America
[Co]nstitution and laws of the [Loya]l Orange Association of British America
Poverty in eighteenth-century Spain
Poverty in eighteenth-century Spain
The crossbreed
The crossbreed
La peste dans le Kurdistan persan
La peste dans le Kurdistan persan
Java, Siam, Canton
Java, Siam, Canton
The diamond necklace and Mirabeau
The diamond necklace and Mirabeau
Geschichte des österreichischen Kaiserstaates
Geschichte des österreichischen Kaiserstaates
Legends of San Francisco
Legends of San Francisco