Books in "Historical Novel"

Aus dem Tagebuch eines Cowboys
Aus dem Tagebuch eines Cowboys
Coins as living history.
Coins as living history.
Sweet Piracy
Sweet Piracy
Extract from the report of Walter Gwynn, esq., engineer, to the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company
Extract from the report of Walter Gwynn, esq., engineer, to the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company
The rise and fall of Rome papal
The rise and fall of Rome papal
Queen of the Amazons (Alexander the Great)
Queen of the Amazons (Alexander the Great)
Amorous Antics of Old England
Amorous Antics of Old England
The birth of the republic
The birth of the republic
Au Directoire exe cutif
Au Directoire exe cutif
The awakening of India
The awakening of India
Marriages recorded at Reformed Dutch church, Manhasset, Long Island
Marriages recorded at Reformed Dutch church, Manhasset, Long Island
History of Egypt Till A.D.640
History of Egypt Till A.D.640
The Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation
Bernard van Galen, Vorst-Bisschop van Munster
Bernard van Galen, Vorst-Bisschop van Munster
Major General Edward Braddock's orderly books
Major General Edward Braddock's orderly books
La gracia triunfante en la vida de Catharina Tegakovita India iroquesa
La gracia triunfante en la vida de Catharina Tegakovita India iroquesa
The scalp-hunters; or, Romantic adventures in northern Mexico
The scalp-hunters; or, Romantic adventures in northern Mexico
The Nez Perce
The Nez Perce
The British army in 1875, with suggestions on its administration and organisation
The British army in 1875, with suggestions on its administration and organisation
The rise of respectable society
The rise of respectable society
Handbook of the twenty-fourth annual conference of the American Library Association, Boston and Magnolia, June 14-27, 1902.
Handbook of the twenty-fourth annual conference of the American Library Association, Boston and Magnolia, June 14-27, 1902.
England in the Mediterranean
England in the Mediterranean
Seven years on the Pacific slope
Seven years on the Pacific slope
Memorial histórico español: coleccion de documentos, opúsculos y antigüedades
Memorial histórico español: coleccion de documentos, opúsculos y antigüedades
The history of prostitution
The history of prostitution
Victorian Mill (Let's Discover)
Victorian Mill (Let's Discover)
Ro mische feldzu ge in der Pfalz insbesondere die befestigungsanlagen des Kaisers Valentinian gegen die Alemannen
Ro mische feldzu ge in der Pfalz insbesondere die befestigungsanlagen des Kaisers Valentinian gegen die Alemannen
The grandeur that was Rome
The grandeur that was Rome
Encounters on the road to the cross
Encounters on the road to the cross
Traces of the Indian in Piedmont North Carolina
Traces of the Indian in Piedmont North Carolina
Die Kanzelredner des 16ten Jahrhunderts
Die Kanzelredner des 16ten Jahrhunderts
The political campaigns of Colorado
The political campaigns of Colorado
Minutes of the Particular Synod of Albany
Minutes of the Particular Synod of Albany
Histoire générale de Languedoc avec des notes et les pièces justificatives par Cl. Devic & J. Vaissete.
Histoire générale de Languedoc avec des notes et les pièces justificatives par Cl. Devic & J. Vaissete.
The history of Saint Thomas parish, Ann Arbor
The history of Saint Thomas parish, Ann Arbor
Actes de l'église d'Amiens: recueil de tous les documents relatifs a la discipline du diocesè
Actes de l'église d'Amiens: recueil de tous les documents relatifs a la discipline du diocesè
Glory of the seas
Glory of the seas
An address delivered under the auspices of the Johnston Pettigrew Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, in the hall of the House of Representatives, Raleigh, N.C., January nineteenth, nineteen seven
An address delivered under the auspices of the Johnston Pettigrew Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, in the hall of the House of Representatives, Raleigh, N.C., January nineteenth, nineteen seven
Miss Eyon of Eyon court
Miss Eyon of Eyon court
Sugar and Civilization
Sugar and Civilization