The path of the conquistadores, Trinidad and Venezuelan Guiana
[Report 1923]
Railroads of the Pike's Peak Region
Weg nach moskau.
Church and mission in Japan in January, 1941
Col. Timothy Matlack, patriot and soldier
Die Frau und die Politik
Steam and the locomotive engine
Special report of Wm. H. Taft, Secretary of War, to the President on the Philippines
The Pacific railroad--open
Notre Dame de Paris
Some account of Camden's rise and growth
Fate of Sir John Franklin
Napoleon; or, "Prostration before the hero."
L'effort français en Amérique latine
Liste de MM. les de pute s, par bureaux
Fleet Street
La Belgique envahie
Zhongguo ren min jie fang jun yan yi
The 50th Battalion in no man's land
Beecher Island
[Report 1956]
Le salaire des ouvriers des mines de charbon en France
Le journal du sire de Gouberville
Barrington Court
Machine Gunners' Ball
The battle of Trafalgar
Mission problems in Japan
Fall of the Bastille
The Jesuits
A Yankee from the West
An Oxford College Under James I. and Charles I.
Guo shi jing jian
De undecemviris Atheniensium
The house of history
[Report 1937]
The Japanese influence in America.
Reasons against the practice of inoculating the small-pox. As also a brief account of the operation of this poison, infused after this manner into a wound
Die Chronologie der Correspondenz Cyprians und der pseudocyprianischen ...
Rome-rule in Ireland