Price list, fall 1942--spring 1943
Who Sank the Titanic?
South Africa and its mission fields ...
The Colonial Church Records of the First Church of Reading (Wakefield): and the First Church of Rumney Marsh (Revere)
La Tradition monarchique d'après l'ancien droit public français
The story of the Pilgrim fathers, 1606-1623 A.D.
Edison system of electric railways / Edison General Electric Co
In the Days of the Laggan Presbytery
De zoon van het licht
[Report 1945]
History / authorized by the Minister of Education
Autonomy of the medical service of the Army of France
The Cold War
A History of Russia
A critical history of the Inquisition of Spain
The death of al-Hallaj
Coutumes des pays et comté de flandre
Madam Constantia: The Romance of a Prisoner of War in the Revolution (South ...
Rapport sur les moyens de retirer de la circulation les assignats surabondans, & sur diffe rens plans dont l'examen avoit e te renvoye aux Comite s des finances & de salut public
[Imported novelty seeds] 1924
Kirche und Nationalsozialismus
Hammer and rapier.
Johannes der Täufer und Jesus von Nazareth.
Römisches Bullarium, oder, Auszüge der merkwürdigsten Päpstlichen Bullen: Aus authentischen ...
Egypts̓ place in history.
Die Schmiede der Zivilisation
Se ance tenue par le roi aux E tats-ge ne raux, le 23 juin 1789
Annales ecclesiastici
Greater Salem in the Spanish-American war
Proceedings of the New Hampshire Historical Society
Krest'ianskie razskazy
The story of the Congo Free State
Price list, fall 1950
Faucit of Balliol
A memorial of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the University of Michigan, held in commencement week, June 23 to June 27, 1912.
Reply to the argument of Nicaragua on the question of the validity or nullity of the Treaty of Limits of April 15, 1858
Bee-keeping in war-time
El ejército perdido
The Pastons and their England
Afghanistan, the Soviet invasion in perspective
The black Douglases.
Alessandro Stradella (1639-1682)